Example Demos Downloads

Download various files from the relevant category below. The links and images work best in Google chrome browser ( I recommend you use chrome browser).

NB: I have tested the links below on multiple mobile devices, PC's and laptops and they do seem to work for all devices. Once downloaded you may have to rename the file to original file name on some mobile devices before installing the Android Apps APK files.

1300 Mathematical Formulas.pdf Direct Download — A comprehensive guide consisting of 1300 Mathematics formulas using Mathematical terminology.

1300 Mathematics Formulas.pdf — A comprehensive guide consisting of 1300 Mathematics formulas using Mathematical terminology.

2D Shapes - Polygons — Interactive PowerPoint Slide 2D Shapes Polygons - 2D Shapes - Polygons.potx file is a MS PowerPoint template file. The file contains an interactive class room or individual mode interaction for the properties of Polygons. Once you download the file open it up in MS PowerPoint, there you will see default section with a set of instructions to allow you to install Multiple Mouse Addin. New File Update. 09/01/2015. File is ONLY Compatible with MSPowerPoint 2007/2010 32bit with Multiple Mouse Addin as Multiple mouse addin is only supported in MSPP 2007/2010 32bit. 02/11/2015.

2D Shapes - Rectangle.potx — 2D Shapes - Rectangle.potx file is a MS PowerPoint template file. The file contains an interactive class room or individual mode interaction for the properties of a rectangle. Once you download the file open it up in MS PowerPoint, there you will see default section with a set of instructions to allow you to install Multiple Mouse Addin. New File update with embedded font. New file with 3 extra slides. 25/11/2014. File is ONLY Compatible with MSPowerPoint 2007/2010 32bit with Multiple Mouse Addin as Multiple mouse addin is only supported in MSPP 2007/2010 32bit. 02/11/2015.

2D Shapes - Triangles.potx — 2D Shapes - Triangles.potx file is a MS PowerPoint template file. The file contains an interactive class room or individual mode interaction for the properties of Triangles. Once you download the file open it up in MS PowerPoint, there you will see default section with a set of instructions to allow you to install Multiple Mouse Addin. More slides added to include pythagoras for right angled triangle and Trig functions. 30/11/2014 V3. File is ONLY Compatible with MSPowerPoint 2007/2010 32bit with Multiple Mouse Addin as Multiple mouse addin is only supported in MSPP 2007/2010 32bit. 02/11/2015.

3D Shapes.pps — 3D Shapes.pps file has 3D objects and its properties explained such as No of Vertices, No of Edges and Lines of Symmetry.

Area Of A Circle Shard.swf — Area of a circle shard - method used to work out the area of the circle shard.

AreaOfSemiCircleInQuadrilateral.swf — Area Of Semi-Circle In Quadrilateral - method used to work out the area of shaded region inside the quadrilateral with an inscribed semi-circle. Also works out the Angles.

AreaOfSemiCircles.swf — Area of Semi Circles - Method used to work out the area of Large,Medium and small Semi-circles.

Area of Triangle.swf — Shows a number of methods used to find the Area of a Triangle.

Batman_Logo_97_2003.doc — Batman_Logo_97_2003.doc Batman logo produced by plotting Mathematical equations. You will also need to download the Mathematical MS Word Addin to view the Math Equations. Office 97 and 2003 document file only.

Batman_Logo.docx — Batman_Logo.docx Batman logo produced by plotting Mathematical equations. You will also need to download the Mathematical MS Word Addin to view the Math Equations. Office 2007 + document files.

Cable Wire Problem Word Document — Cable Wire Problem Word Document - File download link. Similar Triangles, Ratio.

Counting.xls — Counting.xls - file consists of a grid format for counting Numbers in steps of 1,2,3,...12.

Fractions1.xlsm MS Excel 2007-2010 — MS Excel 2007-2010 Fractions Worksheet. You can auto generate the shade-in worksheet by pressing F9 key in Excel. Fractions Addition and Subtraction printable worksheets added with Auto generation feature (F9 key). Simplify Interactive Fractions worksheet (also printable).

Fractions1.xls MS office 97-2003 — MS Excel 97-2003 Fractions Worksheet. You can auto generate the shade-in worksheet by pressing F9 key in Excel. Fractions Addition and Subtraction printable worksheets added with Auto generation feature (F9 key).

Fractions1.xlsx MS Excel 2007-2010 — MS Excel 2007-2010 Fractions Worksheet. You can auto generate the shade-in worksheet by pressing F9 key in Excel. Fractions Addition and Subtraction printable worksheets added with Auto generation feature (F9 key).

Inscribed Circle In A Triangle.swf — Inscribed Circle In A Triangle - swf demo file.

LinearSimultaneousEquations.xlt — LinearSimultaneousEquations.xlt file allows you to solve linear simultaneous equations by applying row operations using Gaussian Elimination. Interactive.

Long Division.xls — Long Division.xls file consist of 2 distinct methods used to solve Cardinal Long Divisions. Full Method illustrated.

Magic Squares.xls — Magic Squares.xls - interactive approach to solving magic square puzzles based on the popular Latin squares. This is a printable worksheet for classroom use or for homework.

MASetup.exe — MS Word Mathematics Addin Download and install to use Mathematics Addin to plot and solve Mathematical equations in MS Word. Allows Statistical operations as well as Calculus Methods such as Definite and Indefinite Integrals and nth Order Differential equations. Highly recommend this to be installed for use in MS Word.

MathCrossword.exeNB: NEW VERSION 3.1 Beta of the Interactive Crossword puzzle with all the fixes is NOW ONLINE ONLY. PDF files for the respective puzzles have also been resolved and can be printed or downloaded from the online version. NO FURTHER FIXES will be provided for the offline version 3.0 Beta as I DO NOT HAVE THE COMPILER TO COMPILE IT. NOTE: VERSION 3.0 Beta - A bug has been found for Addition 2 and Subtraction 2 and 3 puzzles both interactive and pdf format. Multiplication 2 AND 3 is simply a rounding glitch. Square Numbers Spelling Error clue 17, Cube Numbers clue 15 and 2. Pythagorean Triples clue 6 and 2. MathCrossword.exe Download and run the application. Interactive Math crossword puzzles Ebook for windows. You may also print a PDF version of the document for Classroom use or to issue as Homework.

MathSums.xls — MathSums.xls Excel 97/2003/2007/2010 Workbook. Consists of 4 printable worksheets that generates random sums for Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division including Quotient and Modulo sums. Randomly generated Multiplication Sheet, Randomly generated Multiply Sheet, Multiply Solutions Sheet there is a minor bug in Multiply Solutions Sheet This has been Fixed for the MathSums.xlsx file So download the Excel 2007/2010 Workbook instead as a personal recommendation.

MathSums.xlsx — MathSums.xlsx Excel 2007/2010 Workbook only Version 1.5. Consists of 4 printable worksheets that generates random sums for Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division including Quotient and Modulo sums. Randomly generated Multiplication Sheet, Randomly generated Multiply Sheet, Multiply Solutions Sheet.

MathWGSetup.msi — Mathematics Worksheet Generator - Download and Install the file. Run the application to generate various different styles of Math Worksheet in MS Word.

Multiplication.xlsx — Multiplication.xlsx Interactive Multiplication Methods. Explains 4 different types of Multiplication these include Standard Multiplication, Chinese Multiplication, Russian Multiplication and Geometric Multiplication (Box Multiplication).

Multiplication2.xls — Multiplication2.xls Allows you to generate Multiplication tables, Solutions, and Sums Worksheet.

NumberGrid.xls — NumberGrid.xls Generate Number grid worksheet to learn basic numbers 1-100. MS Excel 97, 2003 document only.

NumberGrid2007.xls — NumberGrid.xls Generate Number grid worksheet to learn basic numbers 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, ..., 901-1000. MS Excel 2007 + document.

Primes.xlsx — Primes.xlsx Method explained to find all the prime numbers easily between 0-100. Also contains all the prime numbers between 0 and 10000000 generated using bitwise operations.

Proof of crossing wires problem — Proof of crossing wires problem - Flash Animation File Download Link. Similar Triangles, Ratio.

PythagoreanTriples.xlsm — Pythagorean Triples Excel 2007-10 document, method to generate all odd and even Pythagorean triples with code generated triples on worksheet 2.

PythagoreanTriples97-2003.xls — Pythagorean Triples Excel 97-2003 document, method to generate all odd and even Pythagorean triples.

Recursive Decimal To Fractions.doc — Convert Recursive Decimals To Fractions algebraic approach.

Recursive Decimal To Fractions.docx — Convert Recursive Decimals To Fractions algebraic approach.

Smartphone.doc — Smartphone.doc - office 97-2003 document, Pythagoras theorem, pixel density.

Smartphone.docx — Smartphone.docx - office 97-2003 document, Pythagoras theorem, pixel density.

SudokuSolver.xls — SudokuSolver.xls - interactive method used to solve Sudoku Puzzles. The worksheet allows you solve puzzles using process of elimination.