Proofs Download

Download various files from the relevant category below. The links and images work best in Google chrome browser ( I recommend you use chrome browser).

NB: For the files below you will need to download a Flash Player from the link below. I have tested the links below on multiple mobile devices, PC's and laptops and they do seem to work for all devices. Once downloaded you may have to rename the file to original file name on some mobile devices before installing the Android Apps APK files.

1300 Mathematics Formulas.pdf — A comprehensive guide consisting of 1300 Mathematics formulas using Mathematical terminology.

1300 Mathematics Formulas.pdf Direct Download — A comprehensive guide consisting of 1300 Mathematics formulas using Mathematical terminology.

Flash Player — You will need to download this free Flash Player to play the .swf and .flv files.

Herons formula Area of a Triangle.swf — Algebraic Proof of Heron's formula for the Area of a Triangle.

MASetup.exe — MS Word Math AddIn.

Proof of Area of a Trapezium.swf — Algebraic Proof of Area of a Trapezium.

Proof of Area of a Trapezium 2.swf — Algebraic Proof of Area of a Trapezium 2.

Proof of Area of a Trapezium 3.swf — Algebraic Proof of Area of a Trapezium 3.


Proof of Co-sine Rule.swf — Algebraic Proof of Co-sine Rule.

Proof of Co-sine Rule 2.swf — Algebraic Proof of Co-sine Rule 2.

Proof of Co-sine Rule 3.swf — Algebraic Proof of Co-sine Rule 3.

Proof of Extension to Pythagoras Theorem.swf — Algebraic Proof of Extension to Pythagoras Theorem for a cuboid.

Proof of Inscribed Quadrilaterals Angles In Circle 1.swf — Proof Of Inscribed Quadrilaterals Angle in a Circle.

Proof of Pythagoras Triangle.swf — Algebraic Proof of Pythagoras Theorem.

Proof of Pythagoras Triangle 2.swf — Algebraic Proof of Pythagoras Theorem 2.

Proof of Quadratic Formula.docx — MS Word 2007 document for the Proof of Quadratic Formula, you will need to download and install MS Word Math Addin to view the MS word 2007 document.

Proof of Radius and Apothem for a regular Polygon.swf — Algebraic Proof of Radius and Apothem for a regular Polygon.

Proof of Sine Rule.swf — Algebraic Proof of Sine Rule.

Proof of the Area of a Circle.swf — Algebraic formulation for the area of a circle.

Proof of Volume of a Sphere.swf — Algebraic Proof of Volume of a Sphere.

Proof of Volume of a Sphere Calculus.swf — Algebraic Proof of Volume of a Sphere Calculus methods.

Proof Volume of a Cone.swf — Algebraic Proof Volume of a Cone using cylindrical shells and calculus methods.

Proof Volume of a Cone 2.swf — Algebraic Proof Volume of a Cone 2 using slicing Calculus methods.

Proof Volume of a Sphere Archimedes.swf — Algebraic Proof Volume of a Sphere using Archimedes principal.

Proof Volume of a Sphere Shells.swf — Algebraic Proof Volume of a Sphere using cylindrical shells and calculus methods.

Proof Volume of Sphere Two-Thirds.swf — Algebraic Proof Volume of Sphere is Two-Thirds the volume of cylinder using Archimedes Principal.

Quadratic Formula.flv — Algebraic Proof of the Quadratic Formula.