Miscellaneous Downloads

Download various files from the relevant category below. The links and images work best in Google chrome browser ( I recommend you use chrome browser).

NB: I have tested the links below on multiple mobile devices, PC's and laptops and they do seem to work for all devices. Once downloaded you may have to rename the file to original file name on some mobile devices before installing the Android Apps APK files.

Alphabets 2003 2007 2010.ppt — Alphabets 2003 2007 2010.ppt Power point plex document. You will need to install the power point plex AddIn. File is ONLY Compatible with MSPowerPoint 2003/2007/2010 32bit with PowerPoint Plex Addin as PowerPoint Plex addin is only supported in MSPP 2003/2007/2010 32bit. 02/11/2015.

Alphabets Handout.pdf — Alphabets Handout.pdf document.

Alphabets Handout Solutions.pdf — Alphabets Handout Solutions.pdf document.

Alphabet Slides.pdf — Alphabet Slides.pdf document.

AnimatedTools.exe — Playstation 3 Themes Compiler and sample themes.

Power Point Plex AddIn — Microsoft Power Point Plex AddIn.