Mathematics - Proofs

There are a number of Mathematical Formulas used in Secondary education, I've tried to pick the most valued and the most interesting formulas to demonstrate through the videos both visually, algebraically to grasp the concept on how these formulas may have been derived. Some of these proofs are modern techniques and may not directly relate to original proofs but provide an interesting approach to learning the concept of proving Mathematical formulas.

You may find that there is more than one proof out there and in some cases I've tried to illustrate this with in these videos. The videos consist of proofs on Sine Rule, Co-sine Rule, Area of Trapezium, Heron's formula for the Area of a Triangle, Area of a circle, Radius and Apothem of a Regular Polygon, Pythagoras' Theorem, Extension to Pythagoras' Theorem, Quadratic Formula, Volume of a Sphere, Ratio and Volume of a sphere using Archimedes Principle, Volume of a cone. Majority of the proofs are basic algebraic manipulation but some of the more complex proofs use Calculus methods.

All of these videos are supported by downloadable content which is accessible from Downloads menu.