Past Meetings/Minutes and By-laws


 Mason District Council Bylaws

Article I – Name


Article II – Purpose

The purpose of this council shall be to act as a support network and communication forum for Civic Associations and Home Owner Associations within the Mason District, County of Fairfax, Virginia. To also facilitate the efforts of its member-associations by promoting the community’s general welfare through non-partisan, non-sectarian civic activities.

Article Ill – Membership

Section 1. Eligibility. Any civic, homeowners, condominium, cooperative, or tenants association that encompasses a contiguous area (some part of which lies within the Mason Supervisory District), that does not overlap the area of any other association, that represents the residents of at least ten (10) dwelling units, that maintains a formal organization with elected officers, and that does not promote commercial enterprise, shall be accepted as a member-association of the Council upon payment of dues for the current year.

Section 2. Dues. The annual dues shall be determined from time to time by a vote of those member-associations in good standing present at a general or special meeting. Dues shall be payable on May 1 of each year, shall cover the calendar year, and shall not be prorated.

Section 3. Good standing. A member-association shall be in good standing if it is no more than four (4) months delinquent in payment of its dues.

Section 4. Organizations that do not satisfy the “exclusive area” condition for membership in the Council may join the Council as Associate members. Such members enjoy all the privileges of membership in the council except the right to vote.

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1. General meetings. General meetings of the Council shall be scheduled monthly, but may be canceled at the discretion of the Chairman; a minimum of four (4) meetings shall be held each year. The May meeting shall be the annual meeting.

Section 2. Special meetings. The Chairman may convene a special meeting at any time, provided notice is given in accordance with Art. IV Sect. 5.

Section 3. Requests for meetings. The Chairman shall convene a meeting within fourteen (14) days upon the written request of twenty percent (20%) of the member-associations in good standing, or upon the adoption by a majority of the Executive Committee of a motion to hold such a meeting. This requirement may be satisfied either by a special meeting or by a general meeting.

Section 4. Participation. General and special meetings of the Council shall be open to the public, and any person present may participate in debate. Voting shall be in accordance with Art. IV Sect. 7.

Section 5. Notice. The Executive Committee shall email or otherwise dispatch a notice to all officers, Area Representatives, member-associations in good standing, and others as may be selected time to time, at least ten (10) days before each meeting. This notice shall describe the business to be conducted that is known at the time of writing, and shall in particular contain the texts of any resolutions that are recommended either by the Executive Committee or by twenty percent (20%) of the member-associations in good standing. However, resolutions on matters that would be overtaken by events if delayed shall be considered at any regular or special meeting if presented in writing. Other business may be considered at the discretion of the Chairman.

Section 6. Quorum. Quorum: The quorum for regular and special meetings shall be ten (10) percent of current member associations, but no less than 3 member associations.

Section 7. Voting. Each member-association in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on any matter before the Council. Each member-association shall furnish to the Council in writing the name of one (1) person authorized to cast its vote at any general or special meeting. If the named person cannot attend any meeting, a written authorization signed by the president of the member-association shall be honored by the Council, but the authenticity of authorizations shall be the responsibility of the member-associations.

Article V – Officers --

Section 1. Titles of Officers. The officers of the Council shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Representative to the Fairfax County Federation of

Citizens Associations. At the discretion of the Executive Committee an office of Second Vice-Chairman may be activated.

Section 2. Duties of the Chairman. The Chairman is the executive officer of the Council and presides at all regular and special meetings, and at meetings of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Duties of the Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman acts in place of the Chairman when he/she is unavailable to perform his/her duties. The duties of a 2nd Vice-Chairman shall be determined by the Chairman in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Section 4. Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary maintains the membership and other records of the Council, records the proceedings of all meetings (including those of the Executive Committee), and dispatches meeting announcements and correspondence.

Section 5. Duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer maintains the financial records of the Council and its bank account, records dues paid, prepares budgets, and exercises appropriate safeguards in connection with these responsibilities. The treasurer shall make a full financial report at the annual meeting, and such other reports as are required at other meetings.

Section 6. Duties of the Federation Representative. The Council’s Representative to the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations attends Executive Committee and general and special membership meetings of the Federation to represent the interests of the Council, and reports items of interest to the Council at its Executive Committee and general and special meetings.

Section 7. Eligibility. All officers shall be members of a member-association in good standing, but no two officers shall be members of the same member-association. No person who is a candidate for, or holds, an elective office in any government, who holds an elected or appointed policy-making position with the Fairfax County government, or who is an officer of any political party, shall serve as an officer of the Council.

Section 8. Elections. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the member-associations in good standing present at the annual meeting. Notice of the election, including the names of the candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee, shall appear in the meeting notice for the annual meeting.

Section 9. Term of office. Officers shall be elected for a term of one year.

Section 10. Vacancies. Should an officer be unable to continue in office, the Executive Committee shall appoint someone to serve the remainder of the vacant term, except that a Chairman unable to continue shall be replaced by the Vice-Chairman, and the vice-chairmanship shall be considered the vacated office.

Section 11. Removal from office. Any officer may be removed by adoption of a motion to rescind his/her election by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the member-associations in

good standing present at any general or special meeting, provided that the intent to introduce such a motion is published in the notice for that meeting, and provided that the affected officer is personally notified by the Secretary at least ten (10) days before the meeting of such intent.

Article VI - Executive Committee

Section 1. Composition. The Executive Committee of the Council shall comprise the officers, the immediate Past Chairman, and the Area Representatives. Not more than two (2) members of the same member-association shall be members of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Area Representatives. From time to time the officers of the Council shall divide Mason District into geographic areas. The officers shall, in consultation with the presidents of the member-associations in these geographic areas, appoint Area Representatives to facilitate communication of the Council with, and to obtain the views of, the member-associations in the various Areas. Area Representatives shall be members of member-associations in good standing.

Section 3. Duties. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Council; any position represented to be that of the Council must be approved in advance by the member-associations in good standing. In those cases where a response must be rendered before approval of the member-associations can reasonably be obtained, the Executive Committee shall determine a position which, however, may only be represented as the position of the Executive Committee. Actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be reported at the next general or special meeting.

Section 4. Meetings. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held monthly, but may be canceled at the discretion of the Chairman. Special meetings may be convened by the Chairman upon seven (7) days’ notice to the members of the Executive Committee, and shall be convened by the Chairman within seven (7) days at the request of twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Executive Committee. Regular and special meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to the public, but participation by non-members shall be at the invitation of, and discretion of, the Chairman.

Section 5. Quorum. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the Executive Committee constitutes a quorum.

Article VII - Committees

Section 1. Committees. The Chairman may appoint standing and special committees as needed. The Chairman and members of each committee shall be selected from among the members of the member-associations in good standing of the Council. The committees serve the general membership and report to the membership through the Chairman and the Executive Committee

Section 2. Nominating Committee. Not later than forty-five (45) days prior to the annual meeting the Chairman shall appoint a Nominating Committee to recommend candidates for the offices of the Council for the coming year. No person shall be a nominee without his/her consent, and no member of the Nominating Committee shall be a candidate. Nominations can be made from the floor.

Section 3. Audit Committee. The Chairman shall appoint a committee, to consist of the Treasurer (who shall not be the audit committee chairman) and two other persons who are not members of the Executive Committee, to audit the financial records of the Council, and to report their findings at the annual meeting.

Article VIII- Amendment of the Bylaws and Suspension of Rules

Section 1. Amendment of the bylaws. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the member-associations in good standing present at a regular or special meeting. Text of any proposed amendment(s) shall be distributed with the notice of the meeting at which the vote is to be taken, in accordance with Art. lV Section 5.

Section 2. Suspension of rules. Rules of order and standing rules may be suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of member-associations in good standing present at any general or special meeting. Rules contained in the bylaws shall not be suspended.

Article IX - Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the latest edition of the Modern Edition of Roberts Rules of Order revised by Darwin Patnode shall govern the Council in all cases where they are not inconsistent with these bylaws or with any special rules of order adopted by the Council.

Article X - Dissolution

The Council may be dissolved by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the member-associations in good standing present at a regular or special meeting. Upon dissolution, the net assets of the Council shall be distributed equally among all member-associations in good standing.

Article Xl - Miscellaneous

Regular or recurring expenditures up to $100 may be disbursed at the direction of the Chairman. All other expenditures shall be made pursuant to a vote of the Executive Committee or of the member-associations in good standing, as may be appropriate.


April 25, 2023 Virtual Meeting

Debbie Smith opened the meeting at 7:03 pm

Introductions were made.

Treasurer Report provided

Fairfax Federation report -  Doug reviewed where we stand with MDC's request to Fairfax Federation to collaborate on a possible remedy to the Fairfax County School System's requirement for event insurance to be held by neighborhood associations reserving rooms at  schools for their association meetings.

 The insurance issue is burdensome to smaller associations.  Costs are running about $175 per meeting for event insurance.

Main Agenda Items: 

 Review of ZMOD

Clyde Miller provided a review of the controversial amendments unexpectedly added to the zoning ordinance modernization project.  ZMOD was to have made the zoning ordinance, easier to read across various devices, navigate, search, provide links and graphics.  It was not supposed to include substantive changes such as the ALU, HBB and Freestanding Accessory Structures amendments.

SSPA Update

Debbie Smith reviewed the four remaining nominations in Mason District.

Some additional review was provided  by Gerry from Raintree about the nomination at Gallows and Libeau Lane.

Debbie shared the news of the upcoming Taste of Annandale Festival on April 29 

and of an upcoming candidates forum on May 1.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm


MDC Membership Meeting
January 24 2023 at 7pm
Virtual by Zoom

Debbie Smith called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm

Introductions were made and Debbie thanked her board colleagues for their volunteerism and leadership

Treasurer Report was provided by Clyde Miller 

Fairfax Federation Report by Doug Birnie - Doug summarized the result of a Fairfax Federation meeting where he followed up on Debbie's in person presenstation to Fairfax Federation in  Nov 2022  alerting the to the issue of the Fairfax County Public School Requirement for event insurance to be held by neighborhood associations in order to rent rooms for meetings in the schools. He said the Federation was sympathetic to the issue and requested that MDC be in touch with some additional information.

Main Agenda item:

MDC received a presentation by Sara Morgan, Senior Planner from the County's Zoning Administration Division about a proposed zoning ordinance amendment related to landscaping and screening, including parking lot landscaping, transitional screening, and barrier requirements.

There was discussion of the proposed amendment by MDC members.

Debbie thanked Sara for her presentation and for answering the questions of MDC members.

Debbie reviewed where things stand with the Countywide Proposed Parking Rate Reductions

Several virtual meetings are schedule and she encouraged participation.



Residents are encouraged to review the draft recommendations for parking requirements and submit feedback on the Parking Reimagined webpage by midnight Monday, Jan. 16. To provide more information about these proposed changes, two virtual community meetings will be hosted by county staff: 

Parking Reimagined Open House

Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

Virtual Meeting - Zoom

Password: 537600

Call-In Number: 888 270 9936

Conference ID: 928669

Parking Reimagined Open House

Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

Virtual Meeting - Zoom

Password: 011711

Call-In Number: 888 270 9936

Conference ID: 928669

All community input submitted by Jan. 16 will be reviewed by staff to inform a final draft of the proposed parking requirements. After Jan. 16, public comments can be provided at the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors public hearings, which are anticipated to occur in spring 2023. County staff’s final recommendations will be presented at each of those public hearings.

Debbie asked if any MDC members had items to discuss.

She relayed that one member neighborhood was having an issue with outdoor smoking and disposal of cigarette butts and was seeking recommendation on how to address the issue.

There was no new business 

The meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm

Thursday,  October 21 2021
Virtual by Zoom

Debbie opened the meeting at 7:05 pm

Introductions were made

Treasurer's report


Mark Van Zandt from Fairfax County Dept of Transportation provided MDC members with an overview of the 

 Status of the County’s Sleepy Hollow Walkway Project  

Discussion followed

Next on the Agenda was 

Maya Dhavale

senior community specialist

office of environmental and energy coordination provided MDC members with an overview of the 

The Community-wide Energy and Climate Action Plan, or CECAP - Fairfax County's first ever greenhouse gas emission reduction plan.

The final agenda item:

 MDC Officer Elections:

Current Board members agreeing to run include:

Debbie Smith - Chair

Clyde Miller - Secretary

Michael Melanson - Fairfax Federation Representative

All three were re-elected  unanimously by a  voice of acclaimation

Debbie announced that MDC's longtime, devoted, board colleague, Vice Chair, Carol Turner, will be moving from the area. We are sad to see her leave.  Carol has been an invaluable member of the board of MDC.  We are grateful for her many years of service to our community. 


Meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm

                                       MEETING MINUTES

March 4th, 2021 

Virtual Meeting via Zoom



Debbie Smith called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm

Greeting and Introductions

Fairfax Federation Report

Treasurer Report

Next, Debbie reviewed for members the status of zMOD process.  The Planning Commission made a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on several controversial issues and introduced Clyde Miller to provide a summary of the recommendations made by the Planning Commission/

Clyde Miller went through an extremely informatve presentation highlighting the recommendations of the planning commission and how members could still provide feedback to the Board of Supervisors.


MDC Membership Meeting Minutes

Virtual Meeting 

November 9th, 2020 at 7pm

Debbie Smith called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm

Debbie welcomed "attendees"  

Treasurer's Report

Tom Fleetwood,  Director of Fairfax County Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)  was introduced.  

Mr. Fleetwood  provided an overview of affordable housing program in the county.

MDC Officer Elections:

Quorum in  place 

Officers elected:

Debbie Smith - Chair

Carol Turner  - Vice  Chair

Clyde Miller - Secretary

Michael Melanson - Fairfax Federation Representative.

MDC Membership Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2020

7:15 pm

Belvedere Elementary School

Debbie Smith called the meeting to order at 7:19 pm

Greeting and introductions

Seyed Nabavi from Fairfax County

Dept of Transporaton provided an update on the

intersection improvements planned for

N Chambliss and North Beuregard in Lincolnia.

Next on the agenda was a presentation by 

Fairfax County Police crime

prevention specialist at Mason District Station

Eddy Azarcate reviewing commercial

vehicle parking restrictions on residential


Next was an uppdate on the proposed

development at Graham Park Plaza

and the change from a mixed use multi family plan to a townhouse only deelopment 

Next agenda item updated members on the South County Site Specific

Plan Amendment and

the process involved going forward and how all residents

can participate in that process.  MDC asked interested residents to be in touch with Supv. Gross if they are interested in serving on the citizen task force to review the proposals.

SSPA is now entering the Screening Phase, during which the Supervisors representing these districts will appoint community task forces to review the nominations for inclusion on the Comprehensive Plan Work Program. The public is invited to attend the Task Force meetings, which are anticipated to take place in March and April 2020. The Task Force meeting dates will be posted to the South County SSPA webpage once they have been scheduled.

SSPA is the process that allows anyone to nominate site specific land use changes to the Comprehensive Plan, the guiding document for land use and development decisions in Fairfax County.

Finally there was a review and update of the following bills in the General Assembly which could impact single family neighborhoods: 

HB 151 --   UPDATE layed on the table  meaning it won’t be heard this session. 

This bill would force local governments to allow the development and use of one accessory dwelling unit (ADU) per single-family dwelling even if local zoning regulations currently restrict or disallow them.  “Accessory dwelling unit" or "ADU" means an independent dwelling unit on a single-family dwelling (SFD) lot with its own living, bathroom, and kitchen space. ADUs may be within or attached to SFDs or in detached structures on lots containing SFDs.  ADUs may include, but are not limited to, basements, attics, flats, guest houses, cottages, and converted structures such as garages and sheds.

HB 152   UPDATE this bill was layed on the table meaning it won’t be heard this session;

would force local governments to upzone to permit duplexes, townhouses, cottages, and any similar structure on land currently zoned for single-family housing, even if current local zoning regulations do not allow this.

HB1474  Withdrawn by Del McGuire and will not come up again this session

proposal to eliminate local government limits on short-term rentals (i.e., Airbnb, HomeAway,

VRBO and similar) including limits on


a. the total number of nights permitted annually for short-term rentals. 

b. the number of short-term rental properties owned by any one person or entity.


 No new business

Meeting adjourned at 9:03 pm

MDC Membership Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2019

Belvedere Elementary School

7:15 pm

Meeting Called to Order by Debbie Smith at 7:17pm


Debbie introduced MDC board members and welcomed all in attendance and went around the room for introductions.


Clyde Miller, acting treasurer, provided the treasurer’s report.   At this time MDC has a bank balance of 2166.89.


Debbie and Clyde  acknowledged a very generous bequest left to MDC by a dedicated community leader and Annandale resident, Mr. William “Bill” Bailey.  MDC board members expressed their gratitude for his kindness in remembering MDC.


DUES DISCUSSION  --  Clyde asked association reps that were unsure of membership

status to send an email and he would check status.  Clyde clarified that bylaws indicate that dues are

due May 1 of each year.  He noted that MDC has not really had a formal mechanism for collection on

that date, but that he would send a reminder soon to all members about their dues status and

proposed that the next notice to members should got out in April 2020.


Old Business: There was no  Old Business  


There was no New Business.


The program for the evening began with a presentation by County planning division representative

Meghan Van Dam and John King from Fairfax County Dept of Transportation on the plans by

INOVA for the campus of their Center for Personalized Health at the former EXXON Mobil

headquarters was held.  Questions from attendees and discussion was held throughout.


A presentation by Kris Unger from Friends of Accotinck Creek and the newly

formed Friends of Holmes Run was heard. Kris lead a discussion about concerns for the Holmes

Run Watershed and about recent events and conservation issues related to Inova and Fairview Park

development and what needs to be done to protect the watershed.  Good discussion amongst

members was held.  MDC Members who are interested in participating in the Friends group were encouraged to email Kris.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm


7:15 pm at Belvedere Elementary

The meeting was called to order at 7:17 pm by Debbie Smith who made introductions and thanked all for their attendance.

 Clyde Miller provided the treasurer’s report   -  At this time MDC has a bank balance of $1106.89.

   Old Business: None 

Presentations were provided on two proposed county zoning ordinance amendments.   Michelle Stahlhut and Bryan Botello from the County’s Public Facilities Planning Branch reviewed the proposed zoning amendment and companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment for wireless facilities.

Jennifer Josiah, Senior Assistant to the Zoning Administrator (planning and zoning) reviewed the proposed Zoning ordinance amendment on  Community Gardens,Farmers Markets and Gardening.

There was good discussion of both proposed amendments by MDC members.

MDC membership voiced alarm by about the front yard gardens portion of the Gardens amendment and voted to oppose that portion of the proposal.  MDC will pass along this feedback to the Planning Commission and BOS.


Announcement and Updates Made:

Carol Turner provided an update on the Woodburn Manor proposed development at Gallows and 495. 

Carol informed members that at this time, the applicant has asked for an indefinite deferral  on the proposal. 

There was a tremendous amount of concern and engagement from neighborhoods in that area and multiple public and private meetings were held. There was good joint communication between immediately affected Mason communities and their Providence District neighbors.     

Laurie Arrants reviewed the status of Short Term Rental Legislation SB 1701 which was  presented in Richmond.   Laurie shared that the bill, specific to Fairfax County, sought to undermine recently adopted County Short Term Rental regulations to triple the number of allowed rental nights from 60 –180.  Laurie told members that the bill gained approval on the Senate side and was then crossed over to the house but Passed by indefinitely in a house subcommittee of the Counties, Cities and Towns committee due to pending legislation which the subcommittee said should be allowed to play out prior to any intervention by the Commonwealth.


Debbie announced the County was underaking a

Strategic Plan Survey conducted through March. The county put

together a short survey (5 questions) to gather public feedback on its new strategic planning

process. It asks the public to rank  their priorities and describe their vision for the county’s future. 

Debbie announced the dates of theThe Mason District Budget Town Hall at the Mason Govt Center at 7pm 

Mason District Budget Town Meeting 

Thursday, March 7, 2019 

7 - 9 pm

Mason District Govtt Center (Main Community Room)

6507 Columbia Pike Annandale, VA 22003


Anyone wishing to address the Board of Supervisors directly regarding the budget is invited to speak at public hearings on April 9 - 11th.


Debbie let members know about the upcoming


CANDIDATES FORUM HOSTED by  BC7RC  on Monday March 18th 7pm. They will have candidates for School Board, Supervisor, Senate and House of Delegates.


There was no  New Business:   

 The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 pm.


DRAFT Minutes

MDC Membership Meeting 

October 24, 2018 at 7:15 pm

Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm

Introductions of MDC officers and members in attendance (14).

MDC paid special thanks to Jon Clark, who is stepping down as MDC Treasurer and acknowledged his numerous and valuable contributions to MDC and the broader community.

Treasurer’s Report was provided by Debbie Smith. She reported that MDC has a bank balance of $941.89.

New Business:

Elections were held and the following Officers were unanimously elected:

Debbie Smith- Chair

Carol Turner – Vice Chair

Clyde Miller Secretary

Debbie Fraser – Fairfax Federation Rep

Guest Speakers, Leslie Johnson, Zoning Administrator and Donna Pesto, Deputy Zoning Administrator provided presentations on the County’s proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Amendment on Continuing Care Facilities. The proposed zoning ordinance will establish a new zoning district and use for facilities that combine a number of uses currently recognized by the zoning ordinance i.e., independent living facility, assisted living facility etc., into a single facility that provides for a continuum of accommodations style and care/service options called CCFs. The proposed amendment will also create a new use -- Adult Day Care Center --intended to serve the needs of aged, infirm or adults with disabilities by providing day care services.

Some discussion was held about the proposed zoning changes related to adult day care . MDC members brought up and discussed issues and concerns with numbers of commercial/business uses being allowed in residential neighborhoods.

Leslie Johnson and Donna Pesto also updated membership on the County’s project to modernize the Zoning Ordinance Amendment called Zmod. The county has hired a consultant to help in this effort.

After these presentations, in relation to the Continuing Care Facilities matter, members raised concerns about a proposed 55+ Independent Living development being proposed on Gallows Road just east of 495. Concerns were expressed about this proposal to add 72 residences on an already extremely crowded stretch of Gallows. A community meeting co hosted by MDC is scheduled for Nov. 8th at 7:30 pm at Woodburn Elementary School.

MDC asked the county officials for an update on the recently enacted (like Airbnb) ordinance.

The County officials reported that just 13 permits have been issued out of more than 800 STLs reportedly operating in the County.

Discussion was held regarding several outstanding STL concerns and clarification on reporting violations.

NEW SHORT-TERM LODGING REGULATIONS   (went into effect Oct. 1, 2018):

To check to see if a house suspected of operating short term lodging has acquired a permit, residents can visit the following website and search for permits by address:

To submit a complaint regarding short term rental violations, residents can visit the following website:

There was no old business.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 pm.

MDC Community Meeting on Tuesday, April 17th at 7:30 pm at Sleepy Hollow Elem School

On video 


MDC Membership Meeting

Thursday, Feb. 8th, 2018

Belvedere Elem School

7:15 pm

MDC Chair, Debbie Smith called the Feb 8th membership meeting to order and 7:17 pm

There were 19 in attendance including all MDC Board members.

Treasurer’s Report: Jon Clark reported that MDC account has $1051.89

Jon reminded all to make sure dues are current in order to keep MDC active and strong.

Jon also recommended that neighborhood associations explore including membership in MDC and the Fairfax Federation as addendums to their bylaws and encouraged member associations to reach out to other neighborhoods to help increase membership.

There were no Committee Reports

New Business:

MDC reviewed that Fairfax County is launching a project to modernize the zoning ordinance: County officials and their consultant, Clarion Associates, held a public meeting on January 24 about the effort. Video of that meeting is included in the link above.  Also here is an article from the Fairfax Times, which covered the meeting:

Concerns raised during our discussion included: worry that developers’ interests were being put above those of county residents; concern about an absence of participation by the general public on county-organized work groups related to the zoning ordinance modernization (as well as other work groups, committees and commissions); and concerns over a sense of weakening of the public input process.

MDC quickly reviewed Lincolnia Area Planning. The Planning Commission approved a recommendation made by a task force appointed by Supervisor Gross for creation of a Community Business Center (CBC) for a portion of Lincolnia. Phase three of the Lincolnia planning effort will begin in early spring and will review changes to the area’s Comprehensive Plan.

A summary of SB707 out of Richmond was then given.

Senate Bill 707 sought to make changes to the home-based business legislation originally introduced in 2013. The original legislation permits home-based businesses unless prohibited or controlled by recorded covenants for a community.

SB707 sought to prevent Associations from upholding and enforcing recorded governing documents by allowing home-based businesses of any type regardless of recorded restrictions in communities.  Owners who live in communities with restrictive covenants that prohibit or control commercial uses of property in order to maintain the residential nature of their community have relied on the validity of the covenants in making the decision to live in the neighborhood.

The Bill came before the Senate’s General Laws Committee on Jan 29 and did not pass and was PBI’d - passed by indefinitely, so unlikely to return.


The bulk of the meeting was spent discussing the county’s proposed zoning ordinance changes to lift a decades-long ban on transient occupancy (occupancy of less than 30 days) in residential neighborhoods in order to allow Short Term Rentals/ Lodging (like Airbnb) to operate in our residential neighborhoods. Debbie Smith led a review and discussion of the letter below from MDC to Supervisor Gross summarizing concerns presented during a meeting with her.

There was active discussion and many questions about STRs. Several MDC members shared that they had begun outreach in their neighborhoods on the matter. Members were encouraged to weigh in as an association and/or individually with correspondence relaying questions, concerns, or suggestions about STRs. 

For convenience, MDC alerted members that a Short Term Rentals/ Lodging resource page has been established on the MDC website:  

MDC thanked all who participated in the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 pm

Mason District Council Board


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Mason District Council <>

Date: Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 11:50 AM

Subject: Thank you - STR Discussion with MDC


Supervisor Gross,

Thank you for meeting with members of the Mason District Council Board (MDC) and community on October 30. It was a productive conversation.

As we discussed, MDC urges your support in opposing STRs in Fairfax County for the following reasons:






In closing, even though a small minority of landlords may be looking to cash in on STRs, that doesn’t justify the many significant problems STRs create for the larger community.


Debbie Smith – Chair

Carol Turner – Vice Chair

Debbie Fraser – Second Vice Chair

Clyde Miller - Secretary

Jon Clark - Treasurer

Board of the Mason District Council of Community Associations


MDC Membership Meeting 

 Oct.19th, 2017

Finally, if you received a membership renewal letter and still need to pay membership dues, please fill out the attached membership form and return it with your check for $20 to our treasurer, Jon Clark at the address listed.  Thank you for your support.