Researcher at

Geophysical Institute    UiB    Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research    Bergen    Norway

Research Areas

Research Description

Long-range atmospheric predictions beyond the weather timescales, including climate change, rely on physical origins of predictability in the climate system. Understanding these drivers and how they affect the climate helps to evaluate and improve our prediction systems.  My current research focuses on processes in autumn and winter seasons that are relevant for subseasonal to seasonal predictability in the Northern Hemisphere. In particular, I study the influences of tropical sea surface temperature, such as El Nino-Southern Oscillation, and Arctic sea ice as climate drivers. The mechanisms, which are fundamentally important and interesting to study, can involve tropospheric propagations, troposphere-stratosphere interaction, or air-surface feedbacks. I have experience in numerical models, scientific computing, high-performance computing, and statistical and dynamical analyses.

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Make your actions reflect your words - Severn Cullis-Suzuki, 1992 Earth Summit in Rio