What is the climate system?

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What is climate? The usual answer is that it is average weather or some statistics of weather (e.g. http://www.climateprediction.net/climate-science/basic-science/, https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate-guide/climate). While that answer may be correct, it is not very meaningful physically. It's a bit like average number of children per parent, or average number of legs per person. I got some inspirations when I went to the Science Museum London in November 2018 and saw one of their galleries called Atmosphere: https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/see-and-do/atmosphere

A different, and I think better, question is "what is the climate system?" This simple sketch is my attempt to provide a few explanations. The UK Metoffice webpages above do also provide further explanations of different climate processes and they have also provided inputs to the Science Museum exhibits. Notably, I have neglected to talk about ice and ocean circulations (among other things perhaps). (Mar 2019)