
Post date: Nov 29, 2008 2:58:31 PM

The Historicity of the Book of Mormon:

· Do any well established archeological discoveries confirm the Book of Mormon accounts?

· Do any well established archeological discoveries contradict the Book of Mormon accounts?

· How does the Bible compare to the archeological record?

Web Article:

1. "Archeology and Our Religion" by Hugh Nibley (Medium)

link: http://farms.byu.edu/publications/transcripts/?id=51

2. "Is the Book of Mormon a Divine Revolation" by Dr. Ankerberg and Dr. Weldon (Medium)

link: http://www.ankerberg.org/Articles/_PDFArchives/apologetics/AP4W0805.pdf

3. "Behind the Mask..." by Brant Gardner (Long)

link: http://farms.byu.edu/publications/review/?vol=17&num=2&id=581

4. "Various Articles" by various authors

link: http://farms.byu.edu/display/topical.php?cat_id=279


1. "Testimonies of the Book of Mormon Witnesses" by Richard Anderson

link: http://farms.byu.edu//publications/multimedia.php?id=34

2. "Understanding Your Mormon Neighbors" by Jim Roberts

link: http://www.chandlercc.org/audio/andromeda.php?q=f&f=%2FUnderstanding+Your+Mormon+Neighbors


1. "Understanding Your Mormon Neighbors" by Jim Roberts

link: http://www.concernedchristians.org/stream/neighbor.rm

2. "The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon" by Living Hope Ministries
