
Post date: May 16, 2019 3:39:46 AM

Why Does Evil Allow God?:

We discussed the questions, "Did God create evil?" and "If God is all-loving and all-powerful, why does He allow evil?".

Web Articles:

1. "A Good Reason for Evil" by Greg Koukl (Medium)

link: https://www.str.org/articles/a-good-reason-for-evil#.Was-9MaQxEY

2. "Where Was God?" by Greg Koukl (Long)

link: http://www.str.org/Media/Default/Publications/Enhanced%20Solid%20Ground%20March%202014-Where%20Was%20God-1.pdf

3. "If God, Why Suffering?" by Dr. Vince Vitale (Long)

link: http://rzim.org/just-thinking/if-god-why-suffering


1. "The Problem of Evil" by Dr. William Lane Craig

link: http://www.veritas.org/problem-evil-2/

2. "The Problem of Evil and Suffering" by Dr. Peter Kreeft

link: http://www.veritas.org/problem-evil-and-suffering/

3. "The Existence of Evil And The Problem of God" by Dr. Alvin Plantinga

link: http://www.veritas.org/existence-evil-and-problem-god/

4. "The Problem of Suffering and the Goodness of God" by Dr. Ravi Zacharias

link: http://www.veritas.org/the-problem-of-suffering-and-the-goodness-of-god-2/


1. "Did God Create Evil?" by Greg Koukl

link: https://www.str.org/videos/did-god-create-evil#.Was_jMaQxEY

2. "Evil and Suffering Equal No God?" by Greg Koukl

link: https://www.str.org/videos/do-evil-and-suffering-disprove-god-s-existence#.Was_qsaQxEY

3. "Tony Dungy Super Bowl Breakfast, 2006" (yes, it does relate to evil)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8fEpvdHC40&feature=related

4. "Suffering and Evil" by Reasonable Faith
