
Post date: Oct 22, 2020 4:41:34 PM

DVD: TrueU--Does God Exist?: The Moral Necessity of Theism

In these videos, Dr. Stephen Meyer demonstrated that God is the best explanation for morality.

Web Articles:

1. "Morality as a Clue to God" by Greg Koukl (Medium)

link: https://www.str.org/w/where-do-moral-laws-come-from-?

2. "Can Moral Objectivism Do Without God?" by Peter Williams (Long)

link: https://www.bethinking.org/morality/can-moral-objectivism-do-without-god

3. "Can We Be Good Without God" by Dr. William Lane Craig (Long)

link: https://www.reasonablefaith.org/writings/popular-writings/existence-nature-of-god/can-we-be-good-without-god

4. "Monkey Morality" by Greg Koukl (Medium)

link: https://www.str.org/articles/monkey-morality

5. "Navigating Sam Harris' The Moral Landscape" by Dr. William Lane Craig (Long)

link: https://www.reasonablefaith.org/writings/popular-writings/existence-nature-of-god/navigating-sam-harris-the-moral-landscape


1. "The Moral Argument for God" by Dr. William Lane Craig

link: https://www.reasonablefaith.org/videos/short-videos/moral-argument-for-god-video/

2. "Moral Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Midair" by Greg Koukl

link: http://www.veritas.org/moral-relativism-feet-firmly-planted-midair

3. "Can We Be Good Without God?" by Dr. William Lane Craig

link: https://www.reasonablefaith.org/videos/lectures/can-we-be-good-without-god-london