
Post date: Sep 02, 2014 3:54:0 AM

Christianity in the Crosshairs: Responding to Dr. Ehrman

We watched an interview with Dr. Bart Ehrman in which he explained that the New Testament is full of copying errors. We then carefully thought through and discussed Dr. Ehrman's powerful challenges.

Feature Video:


Web Articles:

1. "The Gospel According to Bart" by Dr. Daniel Wallace (Long)

link: https://bible.org/article/gospel-according-bart

2. "Misquoting” Jesus? Answering Bart Ehrman" by Greg Koukl (Medium)

link: http://www.str.org/Media/Default/Publications/DigitalSG_0910_New-1.pdf

3. "Bart Ehrman's 'Misquoting Jesus'" by Dr. Thomas Howe (Long)

link: http://www.isca-apologetics.org/sites/default/files/papers/Jared%20Martinez/Howe-AResponseToBartEhrman.pdf


1. "How Badly Did the Early Scribes Corrupt the New Testament" by Dr. Daniel Wallace

link: http://www.watermark.org/am-site/themes/Watermark/download.php?file=http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2FWccaudio%2F20120929_talk3.mp3

2. "Daniel Wallace & Bart Ehrman Debate 2012" featuring Dr. Wallace & Dr. Ehrman

link: http://apologetics315.s3.amazonaws.com/debate/debate-ehrman-wallace-2012.mp3

3. "Is What We Have Now What They Wrote Then?" by Dr. Daniel Wallace

link: http://www.brianauten.com/Apologetics/daniel-wallace-what-we-have-now.mp3

4. "Critiquing Bart Ehrman's Objections to Christianity" by Dr. William Lane Craig

link: http://www.rfmedia.org/av/audio/gracepoint-the-work-of-bart-ehrman/gracepoint-ehrman.mp3


1. "How Badly Did the Early Scribes Corrupt the New Testament" by Dr. Daniel Wallace

link: http://www.watermark.org/media/how-badly-did-the-early-scribes-corrupt-the-new-testament/2305/

2. (Various videos on New Testament reliability) by Dr. Daniel Wallace

link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/institution/center-for-study-new-testament/id416966041