2021 Conference

Alternative Futures: Marcuse's Dialectic of Technology

International Herbert Marcuse Society


5:00 pm

Welcome Address

Vista 102


701 E Apache Blvd

Remarks and Presentations by Conference Organizers: Nicole K. Mayberry (ASU), Taylor Hines (ASU), and Robert Kirsch (ASU)


8:00 - 9:50 am

Technology, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence

Cereus 101


820 E Apache Blvd


Robert Kirsch

Tech facilitator:

Nicole K Mayberry

The Limits of Humanist Refunctioning? Notes on Liberation from AI Capitalism

Kenneth Rösen & Alexander Kurunczi, Ruhr-University Bochum

A New One-dimensionality:  Simulation, Artificial Intelligence and the Substitution of Screens for Sensuous Co-presence

Jeff Noonan, University of Windsor

Capital’s Sci-tech-economic Complex: On the Reasoning of Instruments

Lukas Meisner, University of Venice

Production and Dehumanization: Herbert Marcuse and the Marxian Response to Automation

Jason Dawsey, National WWII Museum

8:00 - 9:50 am

Feminist Futures and Marcuse's Concrete Utopia

Cereus 201


820 E Apache Blvd


Savita Singh

Tech facilitator:

Taylor Hines

Feminist Futures: Marcuse's Concrete Utopia and the Possibility of a New Radical Politics 

Savita Singh, Indira Gandhi National Open University

Feminist Futures: Exploring Marcuse for a politics of knowledge in the  Global South

Madhulika Banerjee, University of Delhi

Composting Feminisms: Ecology and Revolution Inspired by Herbert Marcuse and the Amazon Rainforest

Marilia Mello Pisani, Federal University of UFABC

8:00 - 9:50 am

On Paulo Freire’s Centenary: A Dialogue with Marcuse for Today

Juniper 101


1250 S. Rural Rd


Silvio Carneiro

Tech facilitator:

Caylen Cole

Celebrating Freire! A Dialogue with Herbert Marcuse for Today

Silvio Carneiro, Federal University of ABC Brazil

The Praxis of Critical Pedagogy: Beginning Before the Beginning

Andrew T. Lamas, University of Pennsylvania

Freire, Marcuse, and the Dialectics of Education and Liberation

Douglas Kellner, University of California Los Angeles

A Third World View on Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man: A Freirean Reading

Renan Rodrigues Gomes, University São Judas

8:00 - 9:50 am

Fascism and Repressive Democracy

Juniper 201


1250 S Rural Rd


Shouta Brown

Tech facilitator:

Robert Kirsch

Social Movements, Critique and Liberation within Marcuse's Dialectics

Sergio Bedoya-Cortés, Universidad Libre (Colombia)


Fascism as Process - The Cases of Chile and the United States

Tyler James Olsen, City University New York

Robinson Torres-Salinas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile


Repressive Democracy

Wolfgang Leo Maar, Federal University of São Carlos, Brasil


(In)tolerance As Politics: The Speeches of Right and Left Wings on Facebook During the 2018 Election in Brazil

Rochelly Holanda, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Deborah Antunes, Universidade Federal do Ceará

10:00 -11:50 am

Prospects for Liberation in the Era of Repression

Cereus 101


820 E Apache Blvd


Brandon Absher

Tech facilitator:

Nicole K Mayberry

Lessons not Learned from Pandemic: The Old “New Normal” and the Struggle for a Better Life

Robespierre de Oliveira, State University of Maringá, Brazil

Marcusian Multi-disciplinary Crisis Investigation; Phenomenology of Technology

Joe Hadar, Independent Scholar

Marcuse’s Critique of Technology as a form of Resistance

Arash Falasiri, York University

10:00 -11:50 am

Countercultural Reaction, Social Movements, & the Politics of Change

Cereus 201


820 E Apache Blvd


Sergio Bedoya-Cortés

Tech facilitator:

Taylor Hines

The Return of the Great Refusals

Lauren Langman, Loyola University Chicago

Closing the Circle: Learning from the Invisible Native Peoples and their Protests

Jeffery Nicholas, Providence College

10:00 -11:50 am

Critical Theory and University Labor: Educate, Agitate, Organize (and Theorize)

Juniper 101


1250 S Rural Rd


Andrew T. Lamas

Tech facilitator:

Caylen Cole

Round Table Discussion

Andrew T. Lamas, University of Pennsylvania

Terry Maley, York University

Silvio Carneiro, Federal University of ABC Brazil

Mark O’Brien, University of Liverpool

Craig R. Christiansen, University of Kansas

10:00 -11:50 am

Technology as a Mode of Production

Juniper 201


1250 S Rural Rd


Robert Kirsch

Tech facilitator:

Robert Kirsch

Introjection and the Immediacy of Unfreedom

Kevin Lower, Villanova University

Technology and use value: Marx, Marcuse, Echeverría

Stefan Gandler, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro



1:00 - 2:50 pm

The Ecological Marcuse: Critical Environmental Theory and Practice

Cereus 101


820 E Apache Blvd


Keelyn Bradley

Tech facilitator:

Nicole K Mayberry

Translating Marcuse in the Colonized Pandemic World: Why Still Read Marcuse in Brazil?

Deborah Antunes, Universidade Federal do Ceará

The Critiques of Modern Science and Technological Rationality: Senses of Possibility in Marcuse

Wesley Furlotte, Thompson Rivers University

Tekhné, Ars, and la Promesse du Bonheur

Imaculada Kangussu, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Spacing Out in the Anthropocene and the Revolutionary Potential of Outer Space

Emily Ray, Sonoma State University

1:00 - 2:50 pm

Platform Capitalism and the Wasteland of Technological Neoliberalism

Juniper 101 


1250 S Rural Rd


Jeff Noonan

Tech facilitator:

Caylen Cole

The Ideology of Platform Capitalism - Neoliberalism, Precarity and Domination

Eduardo Altheman, University of São Paulo

The Memes of the Academy: Interrogating the Role of Fringe Academia in Violent Online Performance

Liam O'Brien, Kent State University

Hyper-pluralism Age: One-dimensional Man More than Ever 

María Estela Navarro Robles, National Pedagogical University Mexico

‘Sublimated Slaves’ : Technological Rationality, the ‘In-Built’ Singular Purpose of Instrumental Servitude and (Over) Production in the Twenty-First Century 

Christian Garland, King’s College London

1:00 - 2:50 pm

Technological Rationality, Subjectivity, and Political Praxis:  Marcuse, Malignant Normality, and the Prospects for a Liberated Future

Juniper 201


1250 S Rural Rd


Michael J. Sukhov

Tech facilitator:

Taylor Hines

Link to recording

Technological Rationality and Its Toxic Effects: Marcuse, Malignant Normality, and the  Search for the Radical Subject

Michael J. Sukhov, University of Washington Tacoma

Neoliberalism and the Political Economy of Affect in the Work of Marcuse and Beyond

Terry Maley, York University

On the Consumption and Redemption of Nature in the Hidden Hope for a New Sensibility

Rodney Doody, York University

Marcuse, Technological Rationality, and Computerization

Jeremy J. Shapiro, Fielding Graduate University

3:00 - 4:50 pm

Prospects for the Aesthetic Dimension

Cereus 101


820 E Apache Blvd


Robert Kirsch

Tech facilitator:

Robert Kirsch

Paths of Reconciliation: Nature and the Aesthetic Dimension within Herbert Marcuse’s Theorization of Technology

Juliano Bonamigo Ferreira de Souza, Catholic University of Louvain

How Marcuse Developed Schiller’s Aesthetic Concept of Play in an Environmental Direction

Norman Fischer, Kent State University

Trans Cultural Production and Twenty-First Century Technological Rationality: Contemporary Acts of Marcusian Refusal

Casey Robertson, York University

An Aesthetic Ethos?: A Fraternal Critique of Herbert Marcuse’s Dialectic of Technology Utilizing the Media Theory of Friedrich Kittler  

Josef Chytry, University of California Berkeley

3:00 - 4:50 pm

Intersections of Race and Feminism 

Cereus 201


820 E Apache Blvd


Nicole K. Mayberry

Tech facilitator:

Nicole K Mayberry

Tolerating White Supremacy: A Marcusean Analysis

Jina Fast, Notre Dame of Maryland University

“Wake Work” as Affective-Aesthetic Technology: Theorizing Praxis for Marcuse’s “New Sensibility” in the Afterlives of Slavery

Alexandra ("Allie") Briggs, Virginia Tech

Gendering Technological Rationality

Nuzhat Khurshid, York University

The Technology of Total Terror: Black Screen, White Noise, and Herbert Marcuse’s Aesthetic Dimension

Keelyn Bradley, The European Graduate School

6:00 - 7:00 pm


Vista 102


701 E Apache Blvd

Rethinking 'Alternative Futures' and 'Atrocious Presents' -- Marcuse's Dialectic of Technology

Timothy W. Luke, Virginia Tech


8:00 - 9:50 am

Rethinking the Dialectics of Technology in the Current Context 

Cereus 101


820 E Apache Blvd


Imaculada Kangussu

Tech facilitator:

Nicole K Mayberry

Dialectics of Technology: Marcuse and Gandhi

Maryam Rashid, Jawaharlal Nehru University India

Is the New Digital World Lived by New Political Subjects?

Adam Takacs, Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest

A Critique of Technology in the Modern Age: A Dialogue Between Marcuse and Benjamin

Juliana Viana Ford & Fernanda Andrade Garcia, São Paulo State University

Marcuse 2.0: Digitality, Politics, and Liberation

Maggie Walker, University of Louisville

8:00 - 9:50 am

Applications to the Current Context: Students Integrate Marcuse 

Cereus 201


820 E Apache Blvd


Arnold Farr

Tech facilitator:

Taylor Hines

Profits of deceit: The culture industry, fake news, and social media

Sam Gonzalez-Freedson, Arizona State University

The Administration and Domination of Time in the Virtual World During COVID-19

Alexa Bozzano, Arizona State University

Pseudo-individuality, Self-commodification, and the Eclipse of Autonomy Online

Thomas Lobato, Arizona State University

Capitalism and Mental Health

Evelyn Raccuia, Arizona State University

8:00 - 9:50 am

Ecology and Revolution Today

Juniper 101


1250 S Rural Rd


Thais Gobo

Tech facilitator:

Robert Kirsch

Authentic Ecology and Liberation: The Refusal of the Domination of Nature Against the Apparatus

Thais Gobo, Unioeste

Ecological crisis, capitalism and critique

Sergio Bedoya Cortés, Universidad Libre

Let Nature Play: Total Liberation from Compulsory Work

Dan Fischer, New Politics/Food Not Bombs

Critical Theory in Ursula Le Guin's Always Coming Home

Javier Sethness, Independent Scholar

10:00 -11:50 am

The Endurance of Psychoanalysis in Marcuse's Social Theory 

Cereus 101


820 E Apache Blvd


Taylor Hines

Tech facilitator:

Taylor Hines

The Contours of Technological Aggression: The Instincts and Their Relation to Technological Rationality

Shouta Brown, Emory University

Marcuse and the Death Drive: A Strategic Appropriation

Djibril Ernesto Pereira, University of São Paulo

Psychoanalysis, Technological Rationality, and Rational Authority

Maor Levitin, York University

Marcuse: Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis for Revolution 

Fernando Huesca, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla

10:00 -11:50 am

Polymorphous Perversity: Homo Ludens and the Politics of Play 

Cereus 201


820 E Apache Blvd


Robert Kirsch

Tech facilitator:

Robert Kirsch

Laughter as a Form of Emancipation 

Ruth Benoni Flores Arroyo, Institute of Higher Education Mexico City

Queer Utopianism and Marcuse's New Individuality 

Joseph Trullinger, George Washington University

Marcuse, Witchcraft, and Techno-Utopias of the Future

Clint Jones, Independent Scholar

Technology and counter-technology in Marcuse's dialectic of technology

Mahfoudh Saidi, University of Kairouan,Tunisia

10:00 -11:50 am

Author Meets Critics: Jeffery Nicholas' Love and Politics

Juniper 101


1250 S Rural Rd


Tech facilitator:

Caylen Cole

Narrativity and Nature in Historical Materialism and Jeffery L. Nicholas’s Love and Politics: Persistent Human Desires as a Foundation for Liberation

Joan Braune, Gonzaga University

Erich Fromm, Motherhood, and Marxist-Christian dialogue in Jeffery L. Nicholas’s Love and Politics

Nick Braune, South Texas College

Marcuse, Desires, Ideology and Liberation and Jeffery L. Nicholas’s Love and Politics

Sid Simpson, Sewanee University

Author Response to Critics

Jeffery Nicholas, Providence College

10:00 -11:50 am

The Responsibility to Protect in the Twenty-First Century

Juniper 201


1250 S Rural Rd


Javier Sethness

Tech facilitator:

Nicole K Mayberry

Panel recording

Realism, Egalitarianism, and Internationalism

Javier Sethness, Independent Scholar

For solidarity; Against Dictators and Campism

Bill Weinberg, CounterVortex


1:00 - 2:50 pm

Radical Pedagogy: Marcuse in the Classroom

Cereus 101


820 E Apache Blvd


Jason Dawsey

Tech facilitator:

Nicole K Mayberry

An Emancipatory Proposal for Distance Art Education from Marcuse's Perspective

Lizzett Morales Guzmán, National Pedagogical University Mexico

Beyond Critical Thinking: Technological Rationality and One-Dimensional Pedagogy

Brandon Absher, D’Youville College

"Education in Sickness:" Teaching Subversion against the Managerial Revolution

Christopher Simony, Georgia State University 

The Idea of Modern Education – Exploration into the One Dimensionality in Modern Education 

Komal Yadav, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Exhuming the Ghosts which Haunt English Education in Japan

Peter Joun, Kansai University

1:00 - 2:50 pm

Making Sense of Marcuse: A Critical Scholar’s Companion 

Cereus 201


820 E Apache Blvd

Tech facilitator:

Robert Kirsch

[This workshop is open to anybody interested in contributing to this Marcusean dictionary]

1:00 - 2:50 pm

Confronting the Internal Dynamics of Repression: Sharing New Strategies of Emancipation

Juniper 101 


1250 S Rural Rd


James Block

Tech facilitator:

Caylen Cole

Roundtable on the Project of Facilitating Liberation and Transformation

James Block, DePaul University

Michael Thompson, WIlliam Paterson University

Joel Crombez, Kennesaw State University

1:00 - 2:50 pm

The Place of an Analytic Social Psychology Today

Juniper 201


1250 S Rural Rd


Taylor Hines

Tech facilitator:

Taylor Hines

On Cohan and Serby’s “The Two Souls of Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man

Taylor Hines, Arizona State University

Psychiatry in the Time of Technological Rationality

Greg Gabrellas, Cornell Medical College/Columbia University

For a Narrow Definition of the Political

Christie Offenbacker

Benjamin Fong, Arizona State University

3:00 - 4:50 pm

Marcuse's Interlocutors

Cereus 101


820 E Apache Blvd


Emily Ray

Tech facilitator:

Nicole K Mayberry

Rationality of the Human Heart: A Marcusean Theme

Teodros Kiros, Berklee College of Music / Harvard University

Why Philosophical Method Matters for Society: Marcuse on Dialectical vs. Formal Logic

Jeremiah Morelock, Boston College

Transcending Technological Rationality: Communicative and Dialectical Reason in Habermas and Marcuse

Bernardo Bárzana, Northwestern University

The Ontological Conquest Of Technological Rationality

Megan Sherman, Independent Scholar

3:00 - 4:50 pm

Marcuse's German Roots: Phenomenology and Technology

Cereus 201


820 E Apache Blvd


Jina Fast

Tech facilitator:

Taylor Hines

Marcuse and Goal-Rational, Instrumental Rationality in Weber's CHS

J. I. (Hans) Bakker, University of Guelph

The Historical, Political and Aesthetic Dimension of Technology: Reading Herbert Marcuse

Luca Mandara, University of Naples

The “Uncritical Theory:” A Historical Overview on the Newest Philosophy of Technology

Agostino Cera, University of Ferrara

Marcuse's Philosophy of Technology

Andrew Feenberg, Simon Fraser University

3:00 - 4:50 pm

Marcusean Politics Today

Juniper 101 


1250 S Rural Rd


Andrew T. Lamas

Tech facilitator:

Caylen Cole

Anti-Humanism on the Left

Shon Meckfessel, Highline College

A Critical Theory of Authority

Javier Sethness, Independent Scholar

Fascism as Bourgeois Reaction

Rocío Lopez, Transnational Solidarity Network

5:30 - 6:00 pm

Marcuse Society Updates And Awards 

Vista 102


701 E Apache Blvd

Marcuse Society Announcements & Presentation of the Bolívar Echeverría Prize to Stefan Gandler

Arnold L. Farr, University of Kentucky

Andrew T. Lamas, University of Pennsylvania

6:00 - 7:00 pm


Vista 102


701 E Apache Blvd

Marcuse and the Weaponization of “Free Speech”

Martin Jay, University of California Berkeley


Robert Kirsch, Arizona State University

8:00 - ? CELEBRATION OF EROS: Pedal Haus Brewery, 730 South Mill Avenue, Tempe, AZ

Conference Convenors: Robert Kirsch, Nicole Mayberry, Taylor Hines