2007 Conference

Critique and Liberation in the Work of Herbert Marcuse

November 8-10, 2007


Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

  • Thursday, November 8, 2007

Arnold L. Farr, Saint Joseph's University

Opening Remarks


Mikko Tikkanen

"Herbert Marcuse and Karl Popper's Open Society"

Andrew Payne, St. Joseph's University

"Marcuse and Habermas on Immanent Critique"

Andrew Feenberg, Simon Fraser University

"Meaning, Being and Technology in Heidegger and Marcuse"


Paul DeVito, Vice Provost, Saint Joseph's University



Charles Reitz, Kansas City Kansas Community College College "Herbert Marcuse and the New Culture Wars: Campus Codes, Hate Speech, and the Critique of Pure Tolerance"

Irving Kurki "Marcuse and the Art of Liberation"

  • Friday, November 9, 2007

Izabella Ghita, University of Bucharest "Eroti(ci)zing Society: Some Psychoanalytical Dilemmas in Herbert Marcuse's Theory of Liberation"

Jim Block, DePaul University "The (Psycho)politics of Plentitude: From Liberalism's (Libidinal) Scarcity to Marcuse's Abundant Eros"

Arnold L. Farr, St. Joseph's University "Reading Marcuse's Eros and Civilization as a Phenomenological Reduction and Liberating Critique of the Paralysis of Western Philosophy"

Mark Cobb, Warren Wilson College "By Chance Romance, Surreal Rendezvous: Eros, Surrealism, and the Great Refusal"

Lauren Langman, Loyola University of Chicago "From the Great Refusal to the Great Fuck You: Billingsgate as Simulated Resistance"

Robert Kirsch, Virginia Tech "Aesthetic Liberation"

  • Saturday, November 10, 2007

Russell Rockwell, Fordham University "Marcuse on Marx's Capital and Post-Capitalist Society"

Isis Leslie, Texas Tech University "Re-Reading One-Dimensionality: The Collapse of Critique, The Distorted Romantic Aesthetic, and The Death Instinct in Contemporary US Sociopolitical Life and Culture"

Saby Ghoshray, Independent Scholar "Using a Marcusean Framework to Understand Symmetry, One-Dimensionality, and Aggressiveness in Contemporary Society"

Aydan Turanli, Istanbul Technical University "Language as a Means of Transforming Vision"

Uri Ram, The New School for Social Research "Marxism After Post-modernism"

Student Presentations—Panel One

Student Presentations—Panel Two

  • Respondent: Arnold L. Farr, Saint Joseph's University

  • Respondent: Andrew T. Lamas, University of Pennsylvania

Conference Convenor: Arnold L. Farr, Saint Joseph's University

Logistics & Program Support: Andrew T. Lamas, University of Pennsylvania