
Free University of Brussels, Brussels, November 2018.

        - Guest Lecturer at the training course: Public Finance and Management ("Improving PFM: from theory to practice").


IMF Institute for Capacity Development (ICD), Washington DC, September and October 2012 and May and October 2013.

        - Lecturer at the course: Macroeconomic Diagnostics ("Adjusting Fiscal Balance beyond the Business Cycle").


Sciences Po, Paris, September 2008 to January 2009.

        - Lecturer at the course: International Finance (Master Affaires Internationales, 1st year).


CEA Global Education Solutions, Paris, January to May 2008.

        - Lecturer at the course: Economics of Globalization (B.A. in International Business, 1-2nd year).


 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, April to June 2006 and 2007.

        - Lecturer at the course: Macroeconomics (B.A. in Economics, English program, 1st year).


 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, September to December 2003 and 2004.

        - Lecturer at the course: Introduction to International Economics (B.A. in Economics, English program, 1st year).  

        - 2004, Fall: Introduction to International Economics (103PE), UvA.

        - 2003, Fall: Introduction to International Economics (103PE), UvA.


Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP – FGV/SP), São Paulo, 2000-2001.

        - Junior lecturer at the course: Macroeconomics (B.S. in Business in Portuguese, 2nd year), February to June 2001.

        - Junior lecturer at the course: Microeconomics (B.S. in Business in Portuguese, 2nd year), August to December 2000.