Press / Media

Selected media reports on Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro’s research:

Brookings Institution - Hutchins Roundup Blog: “ Fiscal expansions increased firms’ profitability during the recovery from the 2008 financial crisis”, 6 December 2018. Reports on Correa-Caro, C., L. Medina, M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, and B.W. Sutton, "Fiscal Stimulus Impact on Firms' Profitability During the Global Financial Crisis". [Blog]

Article: “Global productivity slowdown risks social turmoil, IMF warns”, in Financial Times, 3 April 2017. Reports on Adler, G., R. Duval, D. Furceri, S. Kiliç Çelik, K. Koloskova, and M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, "Gone with the Headwinds: Global Productivity". [Article]

Article (by Sergio Lamucci): “Brasil precisa de ajuste fiscal mesmo com baixo crescimento, diz FMI”, in the daily newspaper Valor Econômico, section “Brasil”, 01 May 2015. Reports on Oya et al. (2015), "Fiscal Policy in Latin America: Lessons and Legacies of the Global Financial Crisis". [Article]

Brookings Institution - Hutchins Roundup Blog: “Favorable fiscal outlooks reduce government bond spreads”, 18 December 2014. Reports on Cimadomo, J., P. Claeys, and M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, "How do Financial Institutions Forecast Sovereign Spreads?". [Blog]

Brookings Institution - Hutchins Roundup Blog: “Medium-term spending multipliers are much higher during protracted recessions”, 11 December 2014. Reports on Dell'Erba, S., K. Koloskova, and M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, "Medium-Term Fiscal Multipliers during Protracted Recessions". [Blog]

Financial Times Money Supply Blog: “The IMF and multipliers, again”, 7 January 2013. Reports on Baum, A., M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, and A. Weber, "Fiscal Multipliers and the State of the Economy". [Blog]

Paul Krugman's Blog: “Notes on Current Research”, 6 December 2012. Reports on Baum, A., M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, and A. Weber, "Fiscal Multipliers and the State of the Economy". [Blog]

Free Exchange Blog: “The weekly papers”, in The Economist, 5 December 2012. Reports on Baum, A., M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, and A. Weber, "Fiscal Multipliers and the State of the Economy". [Blog] [The Economist]

WonkBlog (by Howard Schneider): “IMF: Budget cuts hurt growth a lot. But tax increases barely matter”, in the Washington Post, 5 December 2012. Reports on Baum, A., M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, and A. Weber, "Fiscal Multipliers and the State of the Economy". [Blog] 

Article: “IMF paper identifies source of inflation in Cemac nations”, in the website, 10 October 2011. Reports on Caceres, C., M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, and D. Tartari, "Inflation Dynamics in the CEMAC Region". [Article]

Article (by Carlos Graieb): “O delegado Protógenes e o funcionamento da Justiça”, in the weekly magazine Veja, section “Brasil”, edition 2070, 23 July 2008. Reports on Eid Jr., W., and M. Poplawski-Ribeiro, "Fatos e Lendas da Privatização".


Editorial: “O sucesso das privatizações”, in the daily newspaper O Estado de São Paulo, section “Notas e Informações”, 28 October 2006. Reports on Eid Jr., W., and M.P. Ribeiro, "Fatos e Lendas da Privatização".




French television channel France 24, on the evening program Business Bulletin, about issues related to tax havens and banking secrecy (in English). Paris, 04 March 2009.


France 24, daily program France 24 Debate, on the theme: “Tax havens: trouble in paradise?” about issues related to tax havens and banking secrecy (in English). Paris, 24 February 2009.


France 24, daily program France 24 Debate, on the theme: “Who me, protecionist?” about the bailing out packages of France and the US (in English). Paris, 12 February 2009.


France 24, daily program France 24 Debate, on the theme: “The end of the bonus culture?” about regulation of banking bonuses (in English). Paris, 22 January 2009.


France 24, daily program France 24 Debate, on the theme: “Should the rich pay the bill?” about the American and British restructuration plans (in English). Paris, 26 November 2008.


Brazilian television channel RedeTV! (interviewed by Franz Vacek), national daily news program (evening), on the American financial crisis (in Portuguese). Paris, 19 September 2008. [Interview]


Dutch radio channel Radio 1, Vrijzinnig Protestantse Radio Omroep (VPRO) (interviewed by Lemke Kraan and Anne Martens), weekly summer program RadioLab on the theme: “Groene Vogels” [Green Birds] about economic systems, income inequality, and the wealth of nations (in Dutch). Amsterdam, 16 July 2011. [Program] [Podcast]


Radio France International (RFI) (interviewed by Daniela Costa), Brazilian daily news program (morning and afternoon), on the impacts of the American financial crisis on European banks (in Portuguese). Paris, 30 September 2008.


RFI (interviewed by Daniela Costa), Brazilian daily news program, on the impacts of the American financial crisis for European growth perspectives in 2008 (in Portuguese). Paris, 12 August 2008.

RFI (interviewed by Daniela Costa), Brazilian daily news program, on the economic conjuncture and growth perspectives of France in 2008 (in Portuguese). Paris, 25 June 2008.


IMF Survey Magazine in the article “IMF Unveils Template for Computing Structural Fiscal Balances”, on the IMF Structural Fiscal Balances Methodology and Template. Washington DC, 12 March 2012. [Interview]


French website (interviewed by Marie Herbet), in the article “L’emprunt européen vivement souhaité mais peu réalisable”, on Europe’s fiscal policy and the possibility of creation of an European Bond (in French). Paris, 26 June 2009.


French journal La Croix (interviewed by Pierre Cochez), in the article “La Commission européenne s’inquiète des déficits publics”, on Europe’s fiscal rules and discipline during the financial crisis (in French). Paris, 18 February 2009, pp 5.


Agence France-Presse (AFP) (interviewed by Veronique Dupont) in the article “A government’s dilemma: debt or depression?” [“Relance ou dérive de la dette? Le dilemme des gouvernants face à la crise”], on the different restructuration plans in Europe, UK and the US (in English and French). Paris, 23 January 2009. [English Version]


BBC Brasil (interviewed by Daniela Fernandes) in the article “Brasil será menos afetado entre grandes economias, diz OCDE”, on the impacts of the financial crisis to the Brazilian economy in 2009 (in Portuguese). Paris, 05 December 2008. [Article] 


French website L’ (interviewed by Benjamin Masse-Stamberger), in the article “Le grand bazar des plans de relances”, on the different restructuration plans in Europe, UK and the US (in French). Paris, 02 December 2008. [Article]


French website (interviewed by Christophe Bys) in the article “Europe, Etats-Unis: Des milliards pour lutter contre la récession,” and in the section Avis d’Expert (interview), on the European Commission restructuration plans in the aftermath of the financial crisis (in French). Paris, 27 November 2008. [Article]

Dutch weekly newspaper Folia, year 61, n°. 21, pp. 5, section Doctor, on the Phd. Thesis and the Stability and Growth Pact (in Dutch). Amsterdam, 15 February 2008.



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