Guillard R, Schecklmann M, Simoes J, Langguth B, Londero A, Congedo M, et al. Nap-induced modulations of tinnitus -a cross-sectional database analysis. Scientific Reports, 2024, 14 (1), pp.20111.
Papadopoulos S, Szul M, Congedo M, Bonaiuto J, Mattout J (2024)Beta bursts question the ruling power for brain–computer interfaces. Journal of Neural Engineering, 21 (1), pp.016010
Altindis F, Banerjee A, Phlypo R, Yilmaz B, Congedo M
Transfer Learning for P300 Brain-Computer Interfaces by Joint Alignment of Feature VectorsIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023, 27 (10), pp.4696-4706. {pdf}2022
Bleuzé A, Mattout J, Congedo M
Tangent space alignment: Transfer learning for Brain-Computer InterfaceFrontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2 Dec 2022 {pdf}Congedo M
A tribute to Alan Turing: Symmetric Gaussian EliminationTechnical report, University Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP {pdf}2021
Rodrigues PLC, Congedo M, Jutten C
Dimensionality transcending: a method for merging BCI datasets with different dimensionalitiesIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 68(2), 673-684 {pdf}2020
Bouchard F, Afsari B, Malick J, Congedo M
Approximate Joint Diagonalization with Riemannian Optimization on the General Linear Group. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 41 (1), 152-170 {pdf}Ros T, Enriquez-Geppert S, Zotev V, Young K, Wood G, Wan F, et al.
Consensus on the reporting and experimental design of clinical and cognitive-behavioural neurofeedback studies (CRED-nf checklist). Brain, 143(6), 1674–1685. {pdf}2019
Barthélemy Q, Mayaud Q, Ojeda D, Congedo M
The Riemannian Potato Field: a tool for online Signal Quality Index of EEG IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 27 (2), 244-255. {pdf}Bhatia R, Congedo M
Procrustes problems in manifolds of positive definite matricesLinear Algebra and its Applications, 563, 440-445 . {pdf}Bussalb A, Congedo M, Barthélemy Q, Ojeda D, Acquaviva E, Delorme R, Mayaud L
Clinical and experimental factors influencing the efficacy of neurofeedback in ADHD: a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10: 35. {pdf}Rodrigues PLC, Jutten C, Congedo M
Riemannian Procrustes Analysis : Transfer Learning for Brain-Computer Interfaces IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66(8), 2390-2401. {pdf}2018
Congedo M, Lopes da Silva FH
Event-Related Potentials: General Aspects of Methodology and Quantification (Chapter 39)Niedermeyer's Electroencephalography. Basic Principles, Clinical Applications, and Related Fields. DL Schomer and FH Lopes da Silva (Eds.) Oxford University Press, UK. {pdf}Congedo M
Non-Parametric Synchronization Measures used in EEG and MEGTechnical Report. University Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP. {pdf}Bouchard F, Malick J, Congedo M
Riemannian Optimization and Approximate Joint Diagonalization for Blind Source SeparationIEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66 (8), 2041-2054. {pdf}Lotte F, Bougrain L, Cichocki A, Clerc M, Congedo M, Rakotomamonjy A, Yger F
A Review of Classification Algorithms for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces: A 10-year Update Journal of Neural Engineering, 15(3):031005. {pdf}Zanini P, Congedo M, Jutten C, Said S, Berthoumieu Y
Transfer Learning: a Riemannian geometry framework with applications to Brain-Computer Interfaces IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65(5), 1107-1116. {pdf}2017
Congedo M, Barachant A, Bhatia R
Riemannian Geometry for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces; a Primer and a ReviewBrain-Computer Interfaces, 4(3), 155-174. {pdf}Congedo M, Barachant A, Kharati Koopaei E
Fixed Point Algorithms for Estimating Power Means of Positive Definite MatricesIEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(9), 2211-2220. {pdf}Alyani K, Congedo M, Moakher M
Diagonality measures of Hermitian positive-definite matrices with application to the approximate joint diagonalization problemLinear Algebra and its Applications, 528, 290-320. {pdf}Arns M, Batail J-M, Bioulac S, Congedo M, Daudet C, Drapier D, et al.
Neurofeedback: One of today’s techniques in psychiatry? L'Encéphale, 43 (2), 135–145. {pdf]2016
Congedo M, Korczowski L, Delorme A, Lopes da Silva F.
Spatio-temporal common pattern: A companion method for ERP analysis in the time domainJournal of Neuroscience Methods, 267, 74-88. {pdf}Acquadro MAS, Congedo M, De Ridder D
Music performance as an experimental approach to hyperscanning studiesFrontiers in Human Neuroscience, fnhum.2016.00242. {pdf}Mayaud L, Cabanilles S, Van Langhenhove A, Congedo M, Barachant A, Pouplin S, et al.
Brain-computer interface for the communication of acute patients: a feasibility study and a randomized controlled trial comparing performance with healthy participants and a traditional assistive deviceBrain-Computer Interfaces, 3(4), 197-215. {pdf}2015
Congedo M, Afsari B, Barachant A. Moakher M
Approximate Joint Diagonalization and Geometric Mean of Symmetric Positive Definite MatricesPLoS ONE 10(4): e0121423. {pdf}2014
Chatel-Goldman J, Congedo M, Jutten C, Schwartz J-L
Touch increases autonomic coupling between romantic partnersFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 95. {pdf}2013
Congedo M
EEG Source AnalysisHDR presented at Doctoral School EDISCE, University of Grenoble.Jury: Prof. C Jutten (President), F Lopes da Silva, J Kropotov, H Snoussi, D De Ridder, G Pfurtscheller. {pdf}Barachant A, Bonnet S, Congedo M, Jutten C
Classification of covariance matrices using a Riemannian-based kernel for BCI applicationsNeurocomputing 112, 172-178. {pdf}2012
Barachant A, Bonnet S, Congedo M, Jutten C
Multi-Class Brain Computer Interface Classification by Riemannian GeometryIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 59(4), 920-928. {pdf}White D, Congedo M, Ciorciari J, Silberstein R
Brain oscillatory activity during spatial navigation: Theta and gamma activity link medial temporal and parietal regionsJournal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24(3), 686-697. {pdf}2011
Congedo M, Phlypo R, Pham D-T
Approximate Joint Singular Value Decomposition of an Asymmetric Rectangular Matrix SetIEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59(1), 415-424. {pdf/ps}Jrad N, Congedo M, Phlypo R, Rousseau S, Flamary R, Yger F, Rakotomamonjy A
sw-SVM : sensor weighting support vector machines for EEG-based Brain-Computer InterfacesJournal of Neural Engineering, 8(5), 056004. {pdf}2010
Congedo M, John ER, De Ridder D, Prichep L
Group Independent Component Analysis of Resting-State EEG in Large Normative SamplesInternational Journal of Psychophysiology 78, 89-99. {pdf}Gouy-Pailler C, Congedo M, Brunner C, Jutten C, Pfurtscheller G
Nonstationary Brain Source Separation for Multiclass Motor ImageryIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 57(2), 469-78. {pdf}Renard Y, Lotte F, Gibert G, Congedo M, Maby E, Delannoy V, Bertrand O, Lécuyer A
OpenViBE: An Open-Source Software Platform to Design, Test and Use Brain-Computer Interfaces in Real and Virtual EnvironmentsPRESENCE : Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 19(1), 35-53. {pdf}2009
Cannon R, Congedo M, Lubar JF, Hutchens T
Differentiating a Network of Executive Attention: LORETA Neurofeedback in Anterior Cingulate and Dorsolateral Prefrontal CorticesInternational Journal of Neuroscience, 119, 404-441. {pdf}Kouijzer MEJ, de Moor JMH, Gerrits BJL, Congedo M, van Schie HT
Neurofeedback Improves Executive Functioning in Children with Autism Spectrum DisordersResearch in Autism Spectrum Disorder, doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2008.05.001. {pdf}2008
Congedo M, Gouy-Pailler C, Jutten C
On the blind source separation of human electroencephalogram by approximate joint diagonalization of second order statisticsClinical Neurophysiology 119, 2677-2686. {pdf}2007
Lotte F, Congedo M, Lécuyer A, Lamarche F Arnaldi B
A Review of Classification Algorithms for EEG-based Brain-Computer InterfacesJournal of Neural Engineering 4(2), R1-R13. {pdf}2006
Congedo M
Subspace Projection Filters for Real-Time Brain Electromagnetic Imaging IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53(8), 1624-34. {pdf}Congedo M, Lotte F, Lécuyer A
Classification of Movement Intention by Spatially Filtered Electromagnetic Inverse SolutionsPhysics in Medicine and Biology 51, 1971-1989. {pdf}2004
Congedo M, Lubar JF, Joffe D
Low-Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography NeurofeedbackIEEE Transactions on Neuronal Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering 12(4), 387-397. {pdf}