
Current Fundings

HiFi (Interface Cerveau-Machine Haute Fidélité pour la Réhabilitation Motrice)

2021-2025 ANR

Role: Collaborator

Leader: Jérémie Mattout  

Past Fundings:

TRAP Intra- and Inter-Subject Transfer Learning for Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interface

2020-2023 80|PRIME (CNRS). 

Role: Leader

ChESS (Challenges in Extraction and Separation of Sources) 

2013-2019 European Research Council (ERC). 

Role: Collaborator

Project Leader: Christian Jutten 

TINNET (Better Understanding the Heterogeneity of Tinnitus to Improve and Develop New Treatments) 

2013-2017 European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). 

Role: Collaborator & Representative for France in the Management Committee

Project Leader: Berthold Langguth

Robust BCI Keyboard (RoBIK)

2012-2013 AFM (Association Française contre les Myopathies). 

2009-2012. National French Agency of Research (ANR). See Here

Role: Principal Investigator

Project Leader: Louis Mayaud

Open Platform for Virtual Brain Environment (OpenViBE2) 

2009-2012. National French Agency of Research (ANR). See web pages of OpenViBE software  and OpenViBE2 project.

Role: Principal Investigator

Project Leader: Anatole Lécuyer

Open Platform for Virtual Brain Environment (OpenViBE)

2006-2009. National French Agency of Research (ANR). See here

Role: Investigator

Project Leader: Anatole Lécuyer

The RoBIK and Open-ViBE projects have contributed to the development of the Brain Invaders II (2013), a non-invasive, recreational, EEG (Electroencephalography)-based brain-computer interface (BCI).

In the Brain Invaders the player concentrates on the target alien and the algorithm on the background blindly decides what is the alien to be destroyed, uniquely based on the player's brainwaves. The Brain Invaders is based on the well-known P300 paradigm and has been inspired by the vintage video-game Space Invaders (Tomohiro Nishikado, 1978). The application works in conjunction with the OpenViBE platform ( second version of the game has several levels. Aliens have several colors and move on the screen. The game play has been considerably improved, and so the signal processing chain. The game is currently very effective and there is no need for calibration anymore: the gamer starts playing straightaway.

The Brain Invaders II features also a multi-user mode and an automatic artifact management algorithm based on Riemannian geometry (named the "Riemannian Potato").

Advanced Neurofeedback Protocols for the Treatment of Tinnitus

2009-2010. Tinnitus Research Initiative (TRI). See here

Role: Collaborator

Project Leader: Dirk De Ridder and Berthold Langguth

Electrical Neuronal Oscillations and Cognition

2005-2008. European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST). See here

Role: Collaborator & Representative for France in the Management Committee

Project Leader: J. Pop Jordanov