Classes and teaching material

I Corsi tenuti dal docente (Impianti Alimentari e Biochimici, Nanobiotechnology, Winery Biorefinery and Waste Management) seguono l'orario ufficiale documentato dal relativo sito di Ateneo salvo modifiche riportate nel foglio elettronico riportato di seguito.


The teaching material for the courses is shared via an online folder

How do I gain access to a shared course folder?

The teacher activates a collection of the email addresses of the students attending during the first lessons, and inserts them into the virtual class. Any students who fail to enroll in the course in this way can obtain access to the material by contacting the teacher and communicating the personal information needed to establish the actual condition of right to access the course material (name, surname, academic year, matriculation number , personal Google account). Please remember that you must communicate a personal Google account, and that for Sapienza University of Rome students, each student email account issued by the University is a valid Google account for sharing.