
Similarities: I found these to be common qualities of ancient sports;

1. Violence- games were dangerous, or even deadly, and injuries were common

2. Religious significance- although not all sports were this way, a large amount were ways to honor their gods, or were part of religious ceremonies. Most sports, in one way or another, were influenced in some way by religion.

3. Warrior training- Many sports were ways of training young men into warriors, and keeping them fit.

Differences: I found these to be the most prominent differences between the continents I studied;

1. Europe- overall, Europe's sports were the most organized. The Olympics, held in Greece, were every four years, and had a great variety of games and competitions. Jousting tournaments later in time were also very coordinated. Even Roman Gladiator tournaments were worked out in great detail.

2. Africa- the ancient sports of Africa can be split into two categories, those played for fun and played for training or religious ceremonies. Those played for fun, like Egyptian bowling, were usually only enjoyed by the rich, who were the only ones who could afford the cost of the equipment and facilities needed. The poor and soldiers, on the other hand, practiced activities more like fisherman's jousting, which enhanced skill and strength. Besides the ancient sports of South America, Africa's sports, particularly Egyptian, were the most influenced by religion and their many gods.

3. Asia- overall, Asia's sports were more set-aside for the rich or talented part of society, as activities such as archery were considered a necessary part of a gentleman's education. This is not to say that the poor did not participate in certain activities, but nobles and lords certainly enjoyed the more luxurious sides of Asia's most famous sports. In Afghanistan, Buzkashi was played only by elites who must train for years, and is not commonly practiced by the public.

4. North America- overall, North American sports played the most political role in their culture. In Cahokia, the game Chunkey was often used for making alliances and showing strength between tribes.

5. South America- overall, South America's sports had the most spiritual influence. In pitz, the losing team was sacrificed to the gods, and the ball court was believed to be the place of rebirth for the Maize gods for the humans to honor them.