
Next Steps

Maja 11Jun18

I've read in "Teaming with Microbes" about mulch: "Be careful: add a layer any thicker than 5 to 7.5cm and you may end up blocking moisture and air and smothering mycorrhizal fungi". So I am wondering if we are not overdoing with the sheep mulch. Which blocks air and moisture well... In the summer we don't have much moisture in the air, but now, still, we get morning dew and the gardens that are mulched with wool don't get it now.

So next step - discuss that with Stef.

Maja 3Jun18

  • fill up this Portfolio with knowledge about composting
  • finish my first compost pile
  • set up my lab
  • read, read and read.

What is Going Well

Maja 3Jun18 - I have my passion. I have a place in which I can experiment, learn in action how to make good compost. We have animals that provide us with great manure.

The internet is full of free learning materials, I already have enough books about microbiology to keep me busy for a year.

My microscope is on it's way! And we even have a free room in which I can set up the lab.


Maja 3Jun18 - As always - finding time. Gathering and preparing materials for compost takes time. Reading takes time. Working on the microscope will take time.

I really really want to do all the courses by Elaine Ingham, but I can't afford it...

Big Vision

Maja 3Jun18 - I am extremely knowledgable in soil science, ecology and microbiology. With passion I read and learn more about it all the time and I'm full of creative ideas of how to implement that knowledge and how to work for the benefit of the soils around me and all around the world. I am in touch with the communities of people who are just as passionate about it as I am and we work together towards the common goal.

I teach people about the soil, it's importance and how to take care of it. I'm passing on not only my knowledge and skills but also my love.

I make a lot of money helping people on their land - to get better yields for them and better soils for everyone.

The soil on the finca is healthy and full of life. It supports big diversity of plants and animals and is a great water storage thanks to which we are never afraid of water shortages ever again. It's an example that inspires and shows people that it is important and it is worthwhile to build the soils.

And the rivers flow again!