I just discovered this section!

Post date: May 12, 2017 3:06:01 PM

Funny, I have never gone here, even though I visit my portfolio quite often ;)

So I will write where I am at now.

My Time Management design is on hold, I have found a good rhythm for myself. I am awake 14 hours a day, work 10 hours, rest 4 hours, sometimes mild changes. As long as I keep myself busy with the daily work, the excitement gives me energy. I am planning to sleep 1 hour less and do yoga in the morning, that will be a slow process of developing a habit.

After finishing my Mission Statement for Life Design I keep that on hold as well. Because I just don't know what to do about it further. I just don't know what goes in there. I am living my life design. Do my struggles to do yoga in the morning go in there? My thoughts on where do I take energy from? My struggle to draw and paint? to speak spanish? I would say that all of that is a part of my life design, just as the huge quest for re-emergence. But if I would consider that, it would be more like a blog than design.

But for now I have enough work with other things. At the moment especially the Holistic Grazing design. There is a movement in the online space (that surely represents a movement in reality) in the canarian community in area of grazing as a tool for fire prevention. That is a great gateway for me to make my design more public. For that I need to organize the data better, I was also thinking for quite some time now about all the other data I wasn't gathering. The electric fencing is closer and closer, so once we start with it I will be gathering all the data I need! I already re-designed the design page to make proper space for that.

Also, we have created with Stef a facebook page through which I will reach people with the idea.

And I will be working on creating a website in spanish to connect with the facebook page and share the results and data of my experiment. Perhaps it will not be needed and this portoflio will be enough - but it needs to be in spanish!

As I am very clear with my timetable now, I feel very motivated to start a fundamentals course with Savory Institute. I'm just wondering if I should buy the course only or apply for a Championship program - that would cost me 99$ every month.

At the end of May me and Stef will start one week fast to get ketogenic. I figured that this will be the best way for me to get this energy I crave so much (and look for in drugs, nowadays - coffee).

I hope the difficult week won't disturb my nice routine I'm developing.