
Each year, residents and fellows have the opportunity to run for HSA executive committee and hospital committee positions. In addition to getting involved in your work community and helping change things for the better, these opportunities are great resume builders! If you are interested in one of these positions, read the details below, keep an eye out for emailed ballots between March and May of each year, and email with any questions.

HSA Executive Committee


*All positions*

- Commit to 2-3 hours per month of meeting and event planning time (as below)

- Represent housestaff interests at Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) meetings (4th Wed of every month, 4-5:30pm)

- Attend HSA Executive Committee meetings (flexible, once every 2-4 months)

- Coordinate and implement at least once social event (i.e. Lobster Bake) or educational event (i.e. financial planning workshop)


- Runs Executive Committee meetings

- Coordinates event planning and implementation

- Runs elections of new Executive Committee, hospital committee nominations

Vice President: Supports President in above duties

Secretary: Records and distributes minutes of committee meetings

Treasurer: Keeps budget organized, including reimbursements for event purchases

Webmaster: Updates and maintains HSA website (ncluding housing list), and Facebook site

Hospital Committees

These positions are one (1) year in duration, and will be determined by the HSA executive committee based on applications.

Included are committees for: credentials, transfusions, physician health and well being,

Below are the charters of these committees, as of 3/17/13.


A. Composition: The Credentials Committee shall consist of:

1. The President-Elect of the Medical Staff, who will serve as Chairman;

2. The four (4) most recent available Past Presidents of the Medical Staff who are still members of the Attending Staff;

3. Three (3) members At Large from the Attending Medical Staff;

4. The President of the Medical Staff;

5. The Vice President for Medical Affairs;

6. The Chief Nursing Officer or designee;

7. The Hospital General Counsel;

8. One (1) member of the Allied Health Practitioner Staff, with vote, and;

9. One (1) member of the Board of Trustees appointed by its Chairman, with vote.

B. Duties:

1. To meet at the call of the Chairman as often as necessary, but at least ten (10) times per year;

2. To review each application and make appropriate recommendations concerning appointment or reappointment to the Medical Staff;

3. To review the qualifications and make recommendations for each medical staff application for initial and renewed clinical privileges;

4. To review and make recommendations on applications for appointment, reappointment and delineation of clinical privileges for Allied Health Practitioners.

C. Quorum

A quorum of not less than a majority of the voting members shall be required at any meeting at which business is transacted.



9-3.1 Composition:

The Executive Committee shall consist of:

A. Officers of the Medical Staff;

B. The Vice President for Medical Affairs;

C. The President of the Medical Center

D. Eight (8) At Large Members of the Attending Medical Staff, Four (4) of whom shall be elected at each Annual Meeting for terms of two (2) years and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified; and

E. Four (4) Chiefs of Clinical Departments, two (2) of whom shall be elected at each Annual Meeting for terms of two (2) years and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified; and

F. The Chief Operating Officer, the Vice President for Nursing/Patient Services, the Vice President for Finance, the Vice President for Operations, the Vice President for Planning, the General Counsel, the Associate Vice President for Medical Quality, the Associate Vice President for Medical Affairs, and those other individuals as requested by the President of the Medical Staff shall be invited to attend meetings without vote.

G. Members of the MEC can be removed from the Medical Executive Committee for one of the following reasons:

· For not responsibly and faithfully fulfilling the duties of membership as stated in these Bylaws; and/or

· For violating the Bylaws or Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff that results in disciplinary action against him or her.

9-3.2 Duties of the Executive Committee

The duties of the Executive Committee shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

A. To represent and act on behalf of the Medical Staff between meetings of the organized Medical Staff, within the scope of its responsibilities as defined by the organized Medical Staff, subject to such limitations as may be imposed by the Bylaws.

B. To receive, consider, and act on reports, requests, and recommendations of Medical Staff Committees, Departments, or other members of the professional staff;

C. To forward to the Board of Trustees regarding appointment and reappointment to the Medical Staff, assignment to Department, delineation of privileges, action related to questions of clinical performance or professional behavior and termination of Medical Staff membership and/or privileges;

D. To make recommendations to the Medical Center Administration or Board of Trustees concerning medical or administrative matters, including, but not limited to: Medical Staff membership, the organized Medical Staff’s structure, the process used to review credentials and delineate privileges, and the delineation of privileges for each practitioner privileged through the Medical Staff process, and the committee’s review of, and actions on, reports of Medical Staff committees, departments, and other assigned activity groups.

E. The MEC shall recommend Bylaws amendments to the Medical Staff for approval.

F. The MEC shall recommend Rules and Regulations to the Board for approval after communication with the organized Medical Staff.

· If the organized Medical Staff approves of the proposed Rule or Regulation, the MEC will forward the proposed rule or regulation to the Board noting approval by both the MEC and the organized Medical Staff.

· If the organized Medical Staff does not approve of the proposed rule or regulation, the MEC will forward the proposed rule or regulation to the Board noting the approval of the MEC and the disapproval by the organized Medical Staff.

The MEC will review all Rules and Regulations proposed by the organized Medical Staff.

· If the MEC approves of the proposed rule or regulation, the MEC will forward the proposed rule or regulation to the Board noting approval by both the organized Medical Staff and the MEC.

· If the MEC does not approve of the proposed rule or regulation, the MEC will forward the proposed rule or regulation to the Board noting the approval by the organized Medical Staff and the disapproval by the MEC.

The MEC will enact policies and procedures and forward them, as information only, to the Board.

· If the organized Medical Staff disagrees with a policy or procedure enacted by the MEC, it can utilize the conflict resolution mechanism (9-3.4)

G. To meet at the call of the Chairman as often as necessary, but at least ten (10) times per year.

H. To organize the Medical and Professionals Staffs’ performance improvement activities.

9-3.3 Quorum:

A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of one-third (1/3) of the voting members when in session.



A. Composition: The Transfusion Committee shall consist of:

1. Seven (7) members of the Attending Medical Staff;

2. The Director of the Blood Bank;

3. The Blood Bank Supervisor;

4. One (1) representative from Nursing Services; and

5. One (1) representative from Administration.

B. Duties: The duties of the Transfusion Committee shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. To meet as often as necessary at the call of the Chairman, but at least six (6) times a year;

2. To assure that written policies and procedures for the blood transfusion services conform to the current American Association of Blood Banks' "Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services"

3. To coordinate the systematic and ongoing review of the appropriate use of blood and blood products by:

a) conducting periodic audits of the use of blood and blood components;

reviewing all confirmed transfusion reactions; and reviewing the blood usage statistics.



A. Composition: The Medical Records Committee shall consist of:

1. At least six (6) members of the Attending Medical Staff;

2. At least one (1) member of Nursing Services;

3. At least one (1) member of the House Staff Association;

4. The Director of the Medical Records Department

B. Duties: The duties of the Medical Records Committee will include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. To meet an often as necessary at the call of the Chairman, but at least six (6) times per year.

2. To review all proposed elements of the medical record, approving those forms considered by the committee to be appropriate and necessary.

3. To conduct periodic reviews of the medical records of patients treated at the Maine Medical Center to determine the timeliness and clinical pertinence of documentation by those making entries in the record.