Review sheets
Aesop Unit questions
Cena Unit questions
Relative Pronoun & Passive questions
Roman calendar unit questions
Comissatio questions
Grammar concepts:
Revise the cyclops sheets
Case basics
Passive basic
Passive tenses
Passive perfect
Relative pronoun
Accusative and ablative time expressions
Comparative / superlative adjectives
Comparative / superlative adverbs
(don't forget the irregular)
Ablative of means vs manner
Do you know how to ID and translate
Parsing a verb: Can you ID the five characteristics of a verb:
Person (first, second, third)
Number (singular, plural)
Tense (present, future, future perfect, perfect, imperfect, pluperfect)
Mood (indicative, subjunctive, imperative, infinitive, [participle])
Voice (active, passive) (Deponents are active)
Can you recognize the passive endings (Think of the song)
e.g. What is the best translation of amatur (I am loved / We are loved / it is loved)
Passive voice, 2 (videos)
Case ID: Can you ID the case of a noun and give the reason (JUST LIKE QUIZZES AND TESTS)
Can you recognize the tenses (Present - Perfect)?
imperfect (Think imperfect sheep)
future (1st and 2nd conjugation) think bo, bi, bu
future (3rd and 4th conjugation) think ham and eggs
NB: bo, bi, bu in 1 & 2, a & e in 4 & 3
E.g. What is the best translation of scribetur (from scribo, ere)
Perfect Passive (Remember these are the ones that are made up of two
words i.e. the 4th principle part and a form of sum, esse)
Future Perfect
Uses of the ablative
Can you ID / translate the use of an ablative in the sentence
-Do you know the forms?
-Are you able to ID the antecedent ?
-Can you use it to form the perfect/future perfect/ pluperfect passive?
-Can you ID its antecedent and translate correctly
-Can you ID which parts of the verb the different tenses come from?
Demonstrative adjectives (Hic, haec, hoc / ille, illa, illud)
-Can your choose the correct one to fit in a sentence
Comparative and superlative: Can you recognize and
translate the positive, comparative, and superlative adjective and adverb?
e.g Fortior (strong, stronger, strongest)
Culture: Do you know the basics about
Roman Games
Roman calendars
Can you give the modern date for the roman one
Roman dining customs
cena romana
writing instruments
caput aut navis
tantalus, Susyphus, Ixion
cena romana II
Aesop fable: Sun and Wind
Aesop fable: Leo et Mus
1. Vocab:
(# TBD) taken from quarters 1 and 2. No word-bank. Vocabulary and powerpoints under vocabula discenda to the left
2. Translation of unseen passage with limited vocab provided (chunked)
3. Comprehension questions taken from unseen passage
4. Multiple choice cultural questions
5. Multiple choice grammar ID/ form fill-in questions