Jan 22, 2015 Meeting: SWAT Team Presentation

Post date: Jan 09, 2015 8:8:24 PM

Come to our Vets Club Meeting on 22 January at 7:00 PM in the lower level of the CH and learn all about Orange County's SWAT team. There will be a power point presentation and briefing on SWAT, some stories of SWAT activities in Orange County and some gear our Sheriff's Deputies use in attending to their duties. We will have a short business meeting, break for libations and then turn the meet over to our presenters. Hope to see all current members, folks who have opted out of membership but want to come back, and all Vets who are not members to join us and sign up to be a part of our Club.

Any questions re: the LOW Vets Club, please call Dick Bradie @308-5507 or Email him at
