Math 211 (Calculus)
Instructor: Wai-Tong (Louis) Fan .
E-mail: louisfan AT math DOT wisc DOT edu
Office: 725 Van Vleck
Office hours: 5-6 Wed, 5-6 Fri and by appointment
TA and office hours:
See SYLLABUS for important deadlines of assignments and tentative lecture schedule.
Textbook: Brief Applied Calculus, J. Stewart and D. Clegg, CENGAGE Learning, ISBN: 9781285106519 [ISBN 9780534423827 is also correct]. 4 textbooks are reserved at the Math Library (located at Van Vleck Hall B2) for temporary use. You should have your own textbook.
Course description: Math 211 is an introduction to calculus, covering integration, differentiation, and applications of calculus to the real world. Calculus is a basic tool for studying behaviors is economics, biology, physics, and engineering. One goal of this course is to give you a solid foundation for understanding calculus when you see in other contexts.
Prerequisites: Basic algebra; multiplication, factoring of polynomials and rational functions; simplifying expressions; solving and graphing linear and quadratic equations; laws of exponents.
Grade and exams:
Written Homework: 15%
WeBWork: 7%
Quizzes: 8%
First Midterm (Oct 11, wed): 20%
Second Midterm (Nov 15, wed): 20%
Final Exam (Dec 16, sat): 30%
Mark these dates on your calendar!
Your total scores will be curved. No grades will be assigned before the end of the semester. Grades will be posted on CANVAS.
The midterm exams are scheduled on OCT 11 (Wed) and NOV 15 (Wed) in lecture. The final exam is scheduled on DEC 16 (SAT), 7:25-9:25PM.
Use of phones, tablets, laptops, formula sheet or calculators will not be allowed during exams. You must bring a valid UW Photo ID to all exams.
If you are eligible for special consideration on exams, please let me know as soon as possible, so that I can ensure that your needs are accommodated.
Make-up midterm exams will be considered only if there is a conflict with another university-related event (in which case case you need to contact me or your TA as soon as possible), or a last-minute medical/family emergency (you need to show proof of such emergency, e.g., doctor's notes). Make-up exams will be different and students might find them harder than usual.
Here are the old exams from the Library:
Getting extra help:
Mathlab: free, drop-in tutorial program offered by math department. Staffed primarily by Mathematics Department teaching assistants.
Location: B227 Van Vleck Hall (across from the Mathematics Library)
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 3:30 - 8:30 pm, and Sunday 3:30 - 6:50 pm.
Cost: Free.
Tutorial Program: also free and offered by math department. Limited seating, please visit Frank Rooney ( in Van Vleck 320 for signing up.
Guts (The Greater University Tutoring Service): is supported by the university with volunteer tutors (free).
Private Tutors: if you prefer, some math department graduates offer tutoring services.
Written Homework and WeBWork:
Written homework, WeBWork will be posted on CANVAS. They are the main source of exam problems.
In the Written Homework, show your work in detail. Simply writing down the answer without explanation will not get full score. It will be collected on the due date in your discussion section. Graded HW will be returned in your discussion section.
No extension for whatever reason. No late homework will be graded.
2 Lowest scores of Written HW will be dropped.
ALL WeBWork will be counted (plan your time to finish it earlier). Access WeBWork through CANVAS and beware of the due dates. Although the due dates are Saturday 10:59pm, you should plan to finish them before Thursdays to prepare for quizzes and midterms.
Students are encouraged to collaborate on assignments; however, submitted assignments must be the work of the individual submitting the assignment.
Quizzes will be on Thurs during TA session.
No Make up quiz will be given.
2 Lowest scores of Quizzes will be dropped.
What is expected of students:
Show up for all Lectures and take notes.
Read the book along with the lectures for a different perspective and more details.
Actively participate in all discussion sections.
Complete all assigned homework. Take midterms and exams.