Stochastic PDEs on graphs as scaling limits of discrete interacting systems. Bernoulli. 27(3), 899-1941, 2021.
In Remark 1, the phrase ``and any infinite regular tree with constant branch length" should be deleted. When d>2, a regular tree with constant branch length and internal degree d does not satisfy Assumption 1 because it has exponential volume growth. This typo does not affect any other place in the paper.
Functional central limit theorem for Brownian particle systems in domains with boundary condition. With Z.-Q. Chen. Journal of Functional Analysis. Vol 269 (12), 3765-3811, 2015.
In the second line in Appendix A.4, ``killed by 2 times the integral" should be replaced by ``killed by 1/2 times the integral".
Genealogies in expanding populations. With Rick Durrett. Annals of Applied Probability. Vol. 26 (6), 3456-3490, 2016.
On P.3483, for i<j, particle j is killed by particle i at rate \gamma/\alpha (not 4*\gamma) according to the intersection local time L^{i,j}. A similar typo appeared in [Hobson and Tribe 2005] where the coalescence rate should be \lambda/4, because on P. 139 (line 6) \delta_{xi=xj}*dt should instead be 4*\delta_{xi=xj}*dt.
At the very bottom of P. 3483, immediately after "the formal notation dL^{i,j}_t =", it should be 4*\alpha times the Dirac delta. This missing multiple factor 4*\alpha 4*\alpha comes from the quadratic variation of x_i-x_j. This formal expression appears on the bottom of P. 1714 of [Athreya and Tribe 2000].
On (73) on P.3485, the left hand side needs to be multiplied by 4*\alpha (coming from the quadratic variation of x_i-x_j). Accordingly, the left hand side of (72) needs to be multiplied by 1/(4*\alpha).