
Below are the courses I taught as a course instructor. Most of them are probability courses and their pre-requisite courses. 

Probability is a mathematical field concerned with the analysis of random phenomena including the random outcome of a die, fluctuations in stock market index, metastasis of a randomly growing tumor, formation of a tropical cyclone, emergence of a pandemic, etc.  It is an increasingly powerful tool in applied sciences. 

Importantly, probability is one of the most fascinating fields in mathematics because of its intimate connections with other mathematical fields (e.g. harmonic analysis, differentia equations, dynamical systems) and with other subject areas (e.g. statistics, physics, evolutionary biology).

Courses in Indiana University

M761 (Spring 2023)

M560 (Spring 2022)

M563 (Fall 2019, Fall 2022)

M564 (Spring 2020, Spring 2022, Spring 2023)

M800 (Spring 2019)

M311 (Spring 2019, Spring 2020)

M464 (Fall 2018)

Topic course: Stochastic partial differential equations

Applied Stochastic Processes

Theory of Probability I

Theory of Probability II

High dimensional discrete probability (Directed study)

Calculus III

Introduction to Probability Theory II 

Courses in UW-Madison

Math/Stat 431 (Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Summer 2016, Spring 2018)

Math 632 (Spring 2016)

Math 635 (Spring 2018)

Math 735 (Fall 2016)

Courses in UW-Seattle

Courses in UNC-Chapel Hill

STOR 215 (spring 2015)

STOR 435 (spring 2015)

Introduction to Decision Science

Introduction to Probability