
"Have not I written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge, That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?"

Proverbs 22:20, 21

Affordable Personal Bibles

Local Church Bible Publishers - highly recommended!

  • Providing high quality King James Bibles at the cost of production partly because of missionary families that keep the ministry running smoothly.

Bible Re-Binding

We Got You Covered Bible Rebinding

Bible study tools


  • This is an excellent, customizable program that is downloadable for free on desktops and laptops, and for a reasonable amount on tablets or smart phones
  • There are many commentaries, dictionaries, etc., and foreign language translations available through the app or 3rd party websites

Olive Tree Bible Study App

Blue Letter Bible Online Study and App

King James Bible Society

  • Audio Bible
  • Dictionaries, Concordances, Historical Maps & Charts
  • Daily Devotionals, Bible Reading Plans

Translation Choice On the Field

Check your translation!

If your mission field does not have English as one of its main languages (use only the KJB if it is the case that you will use English to minister in) and you find you have to minister in a different language, an accurate Bible translation is paramount to ministry. If you will win souls, disciple converts, and plant churches, make sure the Bible you use is correct (1 Pet. 1:23). It must conform to the KJB or it is not the word of God in that particular language!

  • Please contact us for resources on checking the accuracy and viability of your translation - do not just simply accept whatever is available on your mission field!
  • If you do not have a translation that is compliant to the King James Bible, pray about whether God would have YOU translate the Bible into the vernacular language. Please contact us for Bible translation resources. It can be done!

Printing & Distributing

Printing Ministries

Bearing Precious Seed - Milford, OH

  • Local church Scripture printing ministry
  • Has printed over 132 million whole Bibles and portions, distributing them to churches and missionaries around the world

Bearing Precious Seed - El Paso, TX

  • A division of BPS from Milford, OH
  • Specifically focusing on Mexico and the Navajo nation

Bearing Precious Seed - Lansing, MI

  • Local church Scripture printing ministry. They are also the home of Calvary Publishing and Local Church Bible Publishers, both of which are excellent ministries we heartily recommend!
  • John and Romans booklets, New Testaments, whole Bibles

Bearing Precious Seed - Oshkosh, WI

  • A ministry of Wyldewood Baptist Church.
  • Scripture portions and literature
  • Another ministry they have is Couriers for Christ which focuses on getting the Scripture portions to missionaries on the field as well as conducting special mission trips with missionaries on the field to help them see people saved and start churches, with a focus on Eastern Europe.

Bearing Precious Seed - Plant City, FL

  • A ministry of Harmony Baptist Church since 1965

Bearing Precious Seed Canada

  • Endeavoring to reach every home in Canada with the word of God

BEAMS - Bible Education & Missionary Service

  • Supplies missionaries on the foreign field with whole, hardback Bibles
  • King James Bibles in English or potentially its equivalent in other languages (but, please do ask about checking translations)

Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation - Shelbyville, TN

  • Providing New Testaments and whole Bibles to missionaries since 1968

Article on Bearing Precious Seed and Similar Bible Publishing Ministries
