
While we're down here ringing our hands, God is sitting on His throne

where He's always been, doing what He's always done, being who

He's always been - the one and only God.

- Dr. Kenny Baldwin


  • Duffel bags are inexpensive and easier to store than suitcases or plastic bins. Use them to ship personnel items when you fly. Check with your airline for weight limits and total pieces you are allowed to check-in. Missionaries are usually allowed more luggage so be sure to ask how much you will have to pay.

Missionary Expediters

  • Warehousing, Foreign to USA, and Foreign to Foreign shipping of cargo and personnel effects.

Friends in Action International

  • Purchase supplies on the internet or locally
  • Provide packing and shipping at the most economical prices available
  • Build crates for container shipments
  • Process all paperwork needed to send a shipment overseas

Missionary Flights International

  • MFI carries affiliated mission personnel to and from the countries of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas.
  • The size of the aircraft also allow affiliated mission personnel to accompany their belongings, which eases its clearance through customs once it arrives. Some of these belongings could be pets, building materials, furniture, or tools.
  • Only serves or flies those who are working with missions that are affiliated with MFI (check list on's extensive)

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

  • A free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Worldwide Literature - Hamburg, Arkansas

  • Warehousing (check for availability), supplies for the field, shipping, and accommodations in the SE corner of Arkansas