Choosing Your Field

“It will not do to say that you have no special call to go.... With these facts before you and with the command of the Lord Jesus to go and preach the gospel to every creature, you need rather to ascertain whether you have a special call to stay at home.”

- Hudson Taylor

Get Informed

People do not become missionaries to where they are by covering their eyes with one hand and blindly waving their other hand to point to whatever spot on the map it lands on to where they will go! You do not just guess where God would have you go. Go and study about various countries, people and needy fields if God has not already laid something specific on your heart. Maybe God would have you go where you have an ancestral heritage, to bring them the blessing of knowing the Lord in salvation that you had in America that they just might not have where they are. Or maybe the Lord would have you go somewhere you do not even know about yet. Study and pray about various countries. Listen to missionaries present their fields. Maybe even correspond with missionaries who are either traveling through or on the field that your church supports.

Study the Need: Countries & People Groups

Read these appeals and ask God to speak to your heart:

Help Wanted! - Serbia (Eastern Europe) needs missionaries

By: Danny Foss, Missionary to Serbia (2011)

An Especially Needy Field - The Ethnic Gypsies

By: Peter Heisey, Missionary to Gypsies in Romania (1999)

Hungary Needs Missionaries

By: Zsolt Kovacs, former national independent Baptist pastor in Debrecen, Hungary

Go On a Short Term Missions Trip

One of the most effective ways for people to determine if God would have them be a missionary is to take a short term missions trip, whether with a church youth group or otherwise. God has spoken to many people while on a short term missions trip and given them a burden for missions, and many of them for the country that they visit. As Jeremiah said in Lam. 3:51, "Mine eye affecteth mine heart..." Many missionaries would gladly host groups or individuals that would come. But, do remember, a short-term missions trip is not a vacation - it is about helping the missionary in the work of the ministry and seeing what missionary life is like on the field. Go to work and serve and be a blessing.

Short Term Missions

By: Keith Stensaas, Missionary to Uganda (1996) - Ministry127 Contributor

Preparing For a Successful Missions Trip

By: Keith Stensaas, Missionary to Uganda (1996) - Ministry127 Contributor

Medical Missions Trips

Truth For Today Medical Missions