
"For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it." Ecclesiastes 7:12

If God would have you be a missionary on the foreign field, it is not a waste of time to go to Bible college. A good Bible college education will help equip you and get you ready for the mission field. Just like the government would not entertain the thought of sending new recruits directly to the battlefield without any training, so would it be totally applicable and right for God's spiritual soldiers to get training before going into the ministry. It will help sharpen your sword.

Colleges with missions training

Note: Grace Baptist Church does not necessarily agree with everything these colleges put out or preach, these are here only for information who has missions degrees

Biblical School of World Evangelism & Bible Institute - Milford, Ohio

  • Specialized training in interpersonal relationships, dealing with cultural differences, worldviews, prayer and fasting, spiritual warfare, etc.
  • Missionaries teach modular courses, and the fourth year is an internship on the field

West Coast Baptist College - Lancaster, California

  • Faculty members include former and current missionaries who have first-hand knowledge and experience in effective foreign missionary work and a Biblical philosophy of fulfilling the Great Commission
  • Students will receive mentoring and instruction from missionaries who have given their lives to serve on the foreign field

Heartland Baptist Bible College - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

  • Provides an intense concentration preparing students for domestic and cross-cultural ministry opportunities in local New Testament Baptist churches

Providence Baptist College - Elgin, Illinois

  • Students have the opportunity to learn from veteran missionaries and experience the mission field firsthand

Golden State Baptist College - Santa Clara, California

  • Designed to train and equip the missionary candidate with the proper tools necessary for working on the mission field

Lone Star Baptist College - Mesquite, Texas

  • Prepared to give you the training necessary for whatever it is that God has called you to do. Bachelor of Church Ministry in Missions for men and ladies

Trinity Baptist College - Arlington, Texas

  • Designed to train and equip the missionary candidate with the proper tools necessary for God’s work on the mission field
  • Course of study for both men and women

Specialized training

Reaching Beyond Borders - Poplar Bluff, Missouri

  • Assisting local churches in specialized fields such as medical and survival training, logistics, and research
  • Specialized training for third world missionaries
  • Equipping both short and long term missionaries with tools they need to survive in remote areas

SMARTraining- Jefferson City, Tennessee

  • Practical training to prepare for unique problems
    • Culture
    • Governmental issues and protocols
    • Health matters
    • Personal Stewardship
    • Maintaining one’s resources
    • Basic Construction Procedures
    • Outfitting & Passage

Distance Education

If you choose to do Distance Education, consider talking with your Pastor about doing an internship. Usually these positions are bi-vocational, but you will receive practical ministry experience and have the opportunity to teach and preach.

Andersonville Theological Seminary

  • A program of study for earning a degree from home while continuing to actively serve in the field

Patriot Bible University

  • School of Pastoral Studies offers an education as Associate of Evangelism & Missions and Bachelor of Evangelism & Missions.

Heartland Baptist Bible College

  • One year Bible certificates
  • Two, three, and four year programs

Independent Baptist Online College

  • Offers Bachelor's and Associates Degrees