James joins the Lodge

The Lodge held an extra meeting on Friday 9th June, 2023, to initiate another new member into the Lodge. As this was an extra meeting, it was held with permission granted by the Provincial Grand Master. 

The meeting started with the singing of the opening ode and all joined in. Jim Bennett opened the Lodge and the dispensation for holding the meeting was read out. As this was an extra meeting the business was limited to the ceremony only so there was no administrative business to conduct. 

James Whalley was then admitted into the Lodge room and initiated into Freemasonry in accordance with the approved ritual. The beginning of the ceremony was conducted by Jim Bennett, who posed the usual questions to James and he was presented to the members and guests present. Jim then handed over to Michael Walkden who conducted the rest of the ceremony including the obligation, the explanantion of the signs and the Ancient Charge. The address to James at the north east corner was given by Jim Bennett and the working tools were explained by Carl Powell, who proposed James for membership of the Lodge. Throughout the ceremony James was guided round by the Junior Deacon, Ronak Modi, who did an excellent job of ensuring James was relaxed and enjoyed the evening.

At the closing of the meeting there was a charity collection as those present left the room and it was duly accepted (and subsequently banked), by the Treasurer, to be donated at a suitable date in the future, as was the money collected at the meal afterwards in the charity raffle. 


Everyone then retired to the dining room, where the chef and staff served an excellent meal. 

The pictures below show Jim congratulating James; Some of the Lodge members including the Group Chairman, John Rimmer (far left); and Carl Powell congratulating James on his initiation.