Andy Goulding becomes a Freemason 

The Lodge was opened by the Master  Michael Walkden at 6.30pm. As this was an extra meeting for the Lodge, we had been given permission by the Provincial Grand Master, Mark Matthews, to hold the meeting to initiate a new member into the Lodge and hold a talk about Royal Arch Masonry, which was to be presented by Paul Hesketh, the Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals. As soon as we opened the meeting, the permission notice, allowing us to hold the meeting, was read out by Jim Bennett. 


Jim also took the opportunity to congratulate Michael Walkden on being promoted at Provincial Grand Lodge to the rank of Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden. He also congratulated Dave Grime on his first appointment to the acting rank of Provincial Grand Steward and Phil Daniels on his first appointment to the acting rank of Provincial Assistant Grand Persuivant. Well done all three and well deserved.


Mr Andrew Richard Goulding was then admitted into the Lodge and Initiated into Freemasonry according to Ancient Custom. The ceremony was performed by the Michael Walkden with the assitance of Lodge officers. The signs and explanation of the word was given by Stuart Simpson; The address at the north east corner was jointly given by Michael Walkden, with the second part of the address at the north east corner given by Bill Struthers. The mentors address was given by Alan Howarth, (Lodge mentor). The working tools were presented and explained by Daniel Howe and on conclusion of the ceremony the ancient charge was given by the Michael Walkden. 

Andy was then presented with a copy of the Lodge Entered Apprentice Guidance pack, which contains information about Freemasonry and a brief explanation of the various officers and jewels worn in the Lodge. 


Chapter Talk - After the ceremony the meeting moved on to listen to a presentation about the Holy Royal Arch or Chapter Masonry, as it is more commonly known. The talk was given by Paul Hesketh, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principles in the Royal Arch. The talk was about the aims and links between Chapter Masonry and Craft Masonry and why Master Masons should consider joining a Chapter, when they are able. 


Frank Cook, who is the First Principal elect of Concord Chapter No 343, then came into the lodge room and gave a brief introduction to Concord Chapter which is a Friday Chapter, meeting at Preston. 


A Charity collection was to be taken as the members left the Lodge room, so it was then closed and all retired to the dining room for an excellent meal and social company. During the meal there was a charity raffle and in total £153 was handed to the Treasurer for banking into the Lodge Charity account.