Social Anxiety / Phobia Support Group Tenby, Pembrokeshire UK


Tenby, Pembrokeshire 


 Contact us HERE now to book a free breakthrough session


***After many years I am sad to say this group is closing in March 2018, as I am moving from Southampton.  A new location for a group will be announced shortly.  I still offer personal therapy in Tenby, Pembrokeshire and as usual will be working with people who are too far away to visit me by telephone or Skype.***

The Southampton Social Anxiety group is in its 12th year and runs every First and Third Thursday of the month 7.30-8.30pm, in Southampton.  Contact Brighter Life if you would like to join us for 2018.

We are a friendly group and welcome anybody who experiences symptoms of social anxiety / phobia. 

The group is friendly and welcoming and every member has social anxiety.  We cover every aspect of SA from dealing with the physical symptoms such as, shaking, blank mind and blushing to learning communication and presentation skills and building self-esteem and confidence.  I have developed some extremely effective techniques that will assist you in overcoming your SA.  The group is also a great place to meet with understanding people in a safe environment.  Join us today and start living the life you really want!

As group leader I have a Psychology degree and have specialised in counselling people with SA for over 10 years.  I also lived with SA myself and so have a huge understanding of the difficulties you have faced.

Not everybody is ready to join a group, and I do offer specialist counselling and therapy for people with SA.  Please click HERE for more information.


 Experience of a Social Phobic

 What am I doing?  I’m here again and I can’t back out now.  That would make me look such a fool, weak, pathetic, stupid.  Anyway, I know I can do this, why is it such a problem?  In a minute I’m going to have to stand up.  Will my legs hold me?  What the hell will I look like if I stand up and fall down in front of everyone?  Oh boy.

 Okay breathe, I have to do this now.  In one minute I’m going to (providing my legs hold) stand up and walk to the front of the room.  I hope I look okay, I hope I’m not walking funny, I hope my expression looks normal.  I know I can do this, but my body just wont get that, it just turns to jelly.  My legs are wobbly, my tummy churns over and my heart wow, it couldn’t beat faster if I was about to be thrown to the lions.  This is JUST a presentation, I’ve done lots of them, so how come it doesn’t get any easier?

Standing here in front of these people all looking at me, expecting of me, waiting for me to make a mistake.  I can hardly breathe, how the hell am I going to speak!  I have to speak though, either that or run away and never come back and I’m not a quitter. 

 Compose myself, look confident oh god I have to speak NOW, and my voice will tremble and they will all know I’m nervous and then they will know how weak and stupid and crazy I really am.

"Hello everybody, I'm so pleased to be here today.  My presentation today will be on..............................