Christmas Vacation Trivia

Q. There were 2 Christmas movies released to theaters in 1989. Christmas Vacation and what other one?

A. Prancer

Q. What is the name of the pool company that Clark hired?

A. Marsh Pools. Production design for Christmas Vacation was done by Stephen Marsh.

Q. What kind of home computer do the Griswolds have?

A. Macintosh

Q. What is playing on the TV when the grandparents arrive?

A. Its a Wonderful life, which was directed by Frank Capra whose grandson, Frank Capra III, was assistant director for Christmas Vacation.

Q. What Channel is Wonderful Life playing on TV?

A. 06

Q. What channel is the parade playing on the TV?

A. 06

Q. What animal actually died during filming of Christmas Vacation?

A. The squirrel they were training every day for the dog scene died before the scene was filmed.

Q. What real life event was happening while Aunt Bethany was entering the Griswold's home?

A. Earthquake, you can even see the camera jiggle a little.

Q. What is the National Lampoons Christmas Vacation movie based on?

A. "Christmas '59," from National Lampoon's magazine December 1980 edition. In the box of movies in the attic there is a reel labeled 'Xmas 59' in honor of the original story.

Q. What is the one word difference between the British and US versions of the movie?

A. fucking was changed to dancing. "we're gonna have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny **dancing** Kaye!"

Q. What is a "dickie"?

A. It is a turtle neck, but just the neck part, that pokes through another shirt or sweater.

Q. What is a "stogie"?

A. A cigar.

Q. Who "seriously" spotted Santa's sleigh?

A. An airline pilot flying in from New York

Q. What mail service delivers Clark's Christmas bonus?

A. Speed Ball Messenger Service. A speed ball is a drug cocktail of cocaine and heroine, which killed John Belushi in 1982.

Q. What is the final line of the movie?

A. "I did it"

Q. What game is being played during the squirrel scene?

A. Monopoly

Q. What properties have hotels in the Monopoly game?

A. Baltic, Mediterranean, and Pennsylvania Ave

Q. What kind of cereal is on the Griswolds table?

A. Nut-N-Honey

Q. Where in the movie do you see a jack-o-lantern?

A. On a shelf in the kitchen while Clark and Ellen are cleaning up trash.

Q. What poster is above the couch in the family room (TV room)?

A. Where the Wild Things Are

Q. How do they spell auxiliary in Christmas Vacation?

A. Auxiliary is misspelled as "auxilliary" when they turn on the auxiliary nuclear switch.


Q. What year was Christmas vacation released?

A. December 1, 1989. The movie was filmed from 27 March 1989 to 30 June 1989.

Q. What is the first day opened on the Advant calendar?

A. December 14th

Q. Clark has two certificates on his office wall next to the door for what two years?

A. 1987 and 1988.

Q. What is Clark's last day of work before his Christmas Vacation?

A. December 21st.

Q. What date does Cousin Eddie arrive?

A. December 17th

Q. When is Cousin Eddie leaving?

A. Next month.

Q. What day did the family play Monopoly?

A. Christmas Eve

Q. What day does the Christmas Vacation movie end on?

A. Christmas Eve

How Many?

Q. In the animated opening sequence how many reindeer are pulling Santa's sleigh?

A. Seven.

Q. How many reindeer does Clark have in his front yard?

A. Eight.

Q. How many stockings are hung on the Griswold's fireplace?

A. Five.

Q. How many people at Christmas Eve dinner?

A. Fourteen. Clark, Ellen, Art, Francis, Eddie, Cathrine, Rocky, Rusty, Ruby Sue, Audrey, Uncle Lewis, Aunt Bethany, Clark Griswold Sr., Nora.

Q. How many people are staying at the Griswold's by Christmas Eve?

A. Twelve. Clark, Ellen, Art, Francis, Eddie, Cathrine, Rocky, Rusty, Ruby Sue, Audrey, Clark Griswold Sr., Nora.

Q. How many times does Clark use the chain saw?

A. Three. Once to trim the tree, then to cut down a new tree, then to fix the newl post.

Q. How many times more slippery is Clark's "non-caloric silicon-based kitchen lubricant" than any cooking oil?

A. 500 times.

Q. How many elephants are on the Griswold's fireplace mantle?

A. 6

Q. How many minutes long is the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation movie?

A. 97 minutes

Q. How many years has Clark worked for the same company?

A. 17

Q. How many times does the doorbell ring when Clark and Ellen's parents arrive?

A. Four times

Q. How many times does Clark get hit in the face by boards in the attic?

A. Three

Q. How many hour glasses are on Mr. Shirley's desk?

A. Four

Q. How many other identical gifts does Mr. Shirley already have?

A. Twelve

Q. How many words does Clark use to describe his boss during his rant?

A. Thirty

Q. How many logs on the log truck?

A. Eight.

Q. How many jingle bells are on Clark's Santa hat?

A. Three.

Q. How many Christmas' has Aunt Bethany celebrated in the story?

A. 80.

Q. How much was the pool deposit?

A. $7500


Q. Where is the Christmas Vacation movie located in the story?

A. Chicago area

Q. What is the name of the store to Clark and Eddie go shopping together?

A. Wal-Mart

Q. In real life where is the Griswold house?

A. Warner Bros. Studios back lot. Same house used to film Bewitched.

Q. What movie was filmed using the house next door to the Griswolds?

A. Lethal Weapon

Q. In real life where was the sledding scene filmed?

A. Breckenridge, Colorado

Q. Where does Clark's boss, Mr. Shirley, live?

A. In "his happy home on Melody Lane"

Q. Where did the gas money give out?

A. Gurnee

Q. What is the Griswold's house number?

A. 1326

Q. Where was the department store scene filmed?

A. Bullock's Wilshire Department Store. 3050 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California.

Q. Where was the sledding scene filmed at?

A. Breckenridge, Colorado.

Q. Which city was Mr. Shriley's house filmed in?

A. Glendale, California, speicfically, 727 West Kenneth Road.

Q. Where was Mr. Shirley's office filmed at?

A. John Hancock Center, Chicago.

Lights Related:

Q. Which sleeve does Clark lose to the staple gun?

A. Right sleeve.

Q. How many splitters does Clark use on the inside of the garage?

A. Thirteen.

Q. What kind of staple gun does Clark use to hang lights?

A. Arrow Fastener Model T-50M

Q. What is written on the side of the sliegh in Clark's front yard?

A. Noel.

Q. What does Clark sing when attempting to turn on the lights for the first time?

A. Joy to the World

Q. Who figures out the reason why the Christmas lights aren't working?

A. Ellen Griswold.

Q. What kind of ladder does Clark use?

A. A Werner aluminum ladder

Q. How many Christmas lights does Clark have on his house?

A. 25,000 imported Italian twinkle lights.

Q. How many strands of lights does Clark have on his house?

A. Two-hundred and fifty.

Q. How many bulbs per strand?

A. 100 bulbs per strand.

Q. How does Clark Griswold attach Christmas lights to his house?

A. Staple gun.

Q. What kind of lights does Clark actually have on the house?

A. Mostly C9 incandescent bulbs.

Q. Who notices that the lights aren't twinkling?

A. Art

Q. What list of things does Rusty need to do instead of helping Clark fix the lights?

A. "get to bed. I still gotta brush my teeth, feed the hog, still got some homework to do, still got those bills to pay, wash the car"

Q. Other than lights on the house what other 2 decorations does Clark have outside?

A. A Merry Christmas sign and Santa with reindeer blowmolds.

Q. What animal dies in the Christmas Vacation story?

A. Aunt Bethany's cat

Q. Where does Clark's sledding ride end?

A. Donation bin in Wal-Mart parking lot.

Music Related:

Q. In 1999 for the 10th anniversary of Christmas Vacation's release how many unofficial limited copies of the movie's soundtrack were released on CD?

A. 20,000 soundtrack CD’s were issued to commemorate the film’s 10th anniversary. The soundtrack was sold exclusively at Six Flags Magic Mountain, which doubled for Wally World in the original National Lampoon’s Vacation.

Q. What music is playing while Clark is in the attic watching home movies?

A. The Spirit of Christmas sung by Ray Charles

Q. Not including the animated opener, what is the first song sung in the Christmas Vacation movie?

A. "Oh Come All Ye Faithful"

Q. Who remains with Clark Griswold as the credits begin to roll?

A. Snots the dog.

Q. Who sings the Christmas Vacation song?

A. Mavis Staples

Q. What is first song in Christmas Vacation?

A. "O Come All Ye Faithful" sung in car by Clark and Ellen

Q. What song is playing during the pool fantasy scene?

A. Mele Kalikimaka sung by Bing Crosby

Q. What music is playing as the police storm the Griswold's home?

A. Here Comes Santa Clause by Gene Autry. Gene Autry was Randy Quaid's grandfather's cousin.

Q. What does Aunt Bethany sing when Uncle Lewis gets blown up?

A. The Star Spangled Banner.

Q. What song is playing while Cousin Eddie is emptying his chemical toilet?

A. Jingle Bells

Q. What music is playing as Clark plugs the lights back in for the tree?

A. Twelve Days of Christmas

Character Related:

Q. What kind of pajamas does Clark wear?

A. Dinosaur PJs

Q. Who is sitting at the kids' table for Christmas Eve dinner?

A. Three. Ruby Sue, Rusty, and Rocky.

Q. What do the Griswold have as pets?

A. Fish.

Q. What is the name of the company Clark works for?

A. NutratoX. It's printed on the outside of the Jelly of the Month bonus letter.

Q. What are the title of the home movie Clark watches in attic?

A. Xmas '59. Also in the box of home movies: Clark's Treehouse, Trip to Beach House, Harbor Ride Vacation 196?, Halloween 1956

Q. Who opens the ladder door while Clark is in attic?

A. Ellen

Q. What kind of bottled water does Margo drink after jogging?

A. evlan

Q. What kind of chainsaw does Clark have?

A. McCulloch

Q. When Clark falls through the attic roof who's room does he end up in?

A. Rusty's. Clark's feet fall through onto the top bunk.

Q. What does Clark find after cutting into the turkey?

A. "Here's the heart"

Q. What kind of sled does Clark use?

A. A saucer sled.

Q. What does Clark put on his sled to make it go faster?

A. A new non-caloric silicon-based kitchen lubricant [his] company has been working on. It creates a surface 500 times more slippery than any cooking oil.

Q. What kind of broach is Ellen wearing on Christmas Eve?

A. A wreath with a bell on it.

Q. Who flips the breaker back on after the cat gets electrocuted?

A. Rusty

Q. What did the kids mistake for Santa Claus?

A. Light at the sewage treatment plant.

Q. What did Clark get in lieu of a bonus check?

A. Clark was enrolled in the "Jelly of the Month Club", the gift that keeps on giving.

Q. In the end how big was Clark's bonus?

A. Whatever he had last year plus 20%?

Q. Who reads "The Night Before Christmas"?

A. Clark

Q. What lie did Ellen tell Mr. Shirley's wife?

A. She said this was their family's first kidnapping, which wasn't true. They kidnapped the security guard at Wollyworld in the original Vacation movie.

Q. What did Clark give his boss as a Christmas gift?

A. A desk organizer

Q. Clark and Eddie enjoy drinking eggnog from what kind of glasses?

A. Marty Moose glasses, a reference to Wollyworld from the original Vacation movie.

Q. What kind of coffee mug does Clark have?

A. Tanzanian devil mug.

Q. List the things that Clark sets standards for so high that no family can live up to?

A. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, funerals, holidays, vacations, graduations...

Q. What does the police officer threaten to beat Mr. Shirley with?

A. Rubber hose.

Q. Why did Clark get left behind from the shopping trip?

A. So Art could eat so he could take his back pill

Q. How does Clark plan to kill the squirrel?

A. Smack it with the hammer

Q. Instead of saying grace what does Aunt Bethany do at the dinner table?

A. The Pledge of Allegiance.

Q. Who is first to hear the squeaking sound?

A. Aunt Bethany, its a funny squeaky sound.

Q. According to Uncle Lewis, Aunt Bethany's hearing is so bad what can't she hear?

A. A dump truck in a nitro glycerin factory.

Q. Who brings presents wrapped in birthday wrapping paper?

A. Aunt Bethany

Q. During the hike to find a Christmas tree who is last in line?

A. Audrey.

Q. What rock poster is above Audrey's bed?

A. Guns N' Roses

Q. What characters smoke in the movie?

A. Ellen making dinner, Uncle Lewis burning the tree, Cousin Eddie emptying chemical toilet, Francis while decorating cake

Q. Where does Ellen hide her cigarettes?

A. On top of the fridge.

Q. What did Aunt Bethany bring to the family dinner?

A. Green jello salad with cat food

Q. While hiding a present in the attic what does Clark find?

A. A mother's day present from 1983. 1983 is when the first Vacation movie was released.

Q. What kind of animal figurines do the Griswolds collect?

A. Elephants

Q. What did Clark get instead of a bonus check?

A. A subscription to the Jelly of the Month club.

Q. What two problems does Clark solve with the chain saw?

A. New Christmas tree and the loose newl post.

Q. What did Clark wrap as a gift for Ellen?

A. Lacy bra

Q. What does Clark forget to bring when looking at trees?

A. A saw.

Q. What is Clark Griswold reading while in bed with Ellen?

A. People Magazine with Matty Simmons', the movie's producer, on the cover.

Q. What is Audrey's boyfriend's name?

A. Alexander

Q. What baseball cap does Clark wear?

A. Chicago Cubs

Q. What jersey does Clark wear?

A. The Chief's Hockey jersey customized with "Griswold 00"

Q. What is Ellen's pet name for Clark?

A. Sparky

Q. What is Clark's mom's pet name for Clark?

A. Clarky

Q. Which family member is mentioned, but missing from the scene where Clark finally gets the lights on?

A. Rusty Griswold. Being a child actor he was only allowed to work so many hours.


Q. When Cousin Eddie rode in on fumes did he park the RV in the driveway front first or did he back in?

A. He backed in

Q. Who is first on Cousin Eddie's list?

A. Sorted alphabetically starting with Catherine.

Q. What is Cousin Eddie wearing on Christmas Eve?

A. A blue leisure suit with white shoes.

Q. What does Eddie put in his wine glass during Christmas Eve dinner?

A. Beer

Q. What is on Rocky's t-shirt when they first arrive?

A. Las Vegas Nevada.

Q. Who chokes on a bone during dinner?

A. Snots. "He got it up, he's alright now."

Q. What does Eddie do for a living?

A. Live bait business

Q. Who cooked the turkey?

A. Cousin Catherine and cousin Eddie

Q. What part of the turkey does Cousin Eddie ask for?

A. The neck

Q. How many bags of dog food does Eddie load into the cart?

A. 5 Bags. 1 bag of Ol'Roy Maximum for $9.97, 3 bags of Purina Dog Chow for $9.98, 1 Bag of Wal-Mart Ol'Roy for $5.47. This does not include the six pack of canned Alpo dog food.

Q. According to Cousin Eddie why did they replace the metal plate in his head?

A. "'cause every time Katherine revved up the microwave, I'd piss my pants and forget who I was for a half-hour or so."

Q. According to Cousin Eddie why does he opt out of sledding?

A. "But here, if this gets dented, then my hair just ain't gonna look right."

Q. Why did Rocky bite Ruby Sue's thumb?

A. Cause him's nervous because Christmas is almost here

Q. Who lights the candles on Christmas Eve?

A. Ruby Sue.

Q. What does Cousin Eddie smash with a big bag of dog food?

A. Pack of light bulbs.

Q. What brand of beer does Eddie drink while emptying his chemical toilet?

A. Meister Brau

Q. Which family member does not have a speaking role in the movie?

A. Rocky

Q. What is the name of Cousin Eddie's dog?

A. Snots on account of his sinus condition

Q. Which two adjectives did Frank Shirley's wife use to describe Eddie?A. Buldging, Beastly

Q. How long has cousin Eddie been out of work?

A. Seven years, he's holding out for a management position.

Q. Who has a lip fungus that hasn't been identified yet?

A. Rocky

Q. Who had cross-eyes?

A. Ruby Sue

Q. Who drank a quart of Penzoil?

A. Snots

Q. Who fell in a well?

A. Ruby Sue, fell in a well and her eyes went crossed

Q. Who got kicked by a mule?

A. Ruby Sue, and then her eyes were crossed anymore

Q. Why didn't Cousin Eddie's oldest daughter come to visit?

A. She's in the clinic getting cured off the Wild Turket

Q. Why didn't Cousin Eddie's oldest son come to visit?

A. He is preparing for his career in the Carnival

Q. Who startles Clark out of his pool fantasy?

A. Ruby Sue

Q. Who likes the green jello?

A. Eddie. "I don't know about the cat, but I'm sure enjoying it!"

Q. Who can't swim?

A. Cousin Eddie.

The Grandparents:

Q. Which character has a back problem?

A. Art, Ellen's dad, had a pint of fluid taken from his lower back and has to take back pills with food.

Q. What character is accused of buying cheap hot dogs?

A. Nora, Clark's mother.

Q. When did Grace pass away?

A. 30 years ago. 1989 - 30 = 1959

Q. Which character has hemorrhoids?

A. Francis, Ellen's mom.

Q. Which character has a burr on her heal?

A. Nora, Clark's mom.

Q. Who closes the attic with Clark inside?

A. Francis, Ellen's mom.

Q. What magazine is Clark's dad reading at night?

A. Sassy.

Q. Who soaks their turkey in water to make it chewable?

A. Nora, Clark's mom.

Q. Who passes out when the squirrel jumps out of the tree?

A. Nora, Clark's mom.

Q. Who passes out when Clark states his plan for the squirrel?

A. Francis, Ellen's mom.

Q. Which character has a mole that changes color?

A. Nora, Clark's mom.

Q. Who waxes their upper lip?

A. Ellen's Mother

Q. What works just as hard as Clark according to his father-in-law?

A. Washing Machines

Q. List the grandparents' first names?

A. Francis, Art, Clark, Nora

Q. How did Clark Sr. cope with holidays?

A. Jack Daniels

Q. Clark W. Griswold, what does the "W" stand for?

A. Wilhelm

Q. In National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation who is older, Audrey or Rusty?

A. Audrey

Q. What is Clark's Dad's name?

A. Wilhelm Griswold, Sr.

Q. What is Clark's Mom's name?

A. Nora Griswold

Q. What is Ellen's dad's name?

A. Arthur "Art" Smith

Q. What is Ellen's mom's name?

A. Frances Smith

Q. What is Ellen Griswold's maiden name?

A. Smith.

Todd & Margo:

Q. What are Margo and Todd's last name?

A. Chester

Q. Who gets punched in the movie?

A. Todd gets punched in the face by Margo.

Q. What are Todd & Margo drinking on Christmas Eve?

A. Margaritas.

Q. What broke Todd & Margo's window the first time?

A. Ice from the Griswold's gutter.

Q. What breaks Todd & Margo's window the 2nd time?

A. Clark cutting down a Christmas tree.

Q. Who falls down the stairs?

A. Todd.

Q. What is the Chester's house number?

A. 1328

Q. What make of car do Todd & Margo drive?

A. Volvo

Q. Who finally is man enough to go deal with the Griswolds?

A. Margo

Cast Related:

Q. What four Christmas Vacation actors were Satruday night live alumni?

A. Chevy Chase, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Brian Doyle-Murray, Randy Quaid.

Q. Who is Randy Quaid's (Cousin Eddie) real cousin (3rd cousin to be precise)?

A. Gene Autry, who sings "Here Comes Santa Clause" used in the movie. Gene Autry was Randy Quaid's grandfather's cousin.

Q. Who directed the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation movie?

A. Jeremiah Checkik

Q. Who is the girl in the poster above Rusty's bed?

A. Carre Otis

Q. The voice of Aunt Bethany is also the voice of this famous cartoon character?

A. Mae Questel, who played Aunt Bethany, did the voice for Betty Boop.

Q. When did the actor for Aunt Bethany die?

A. Mae Questel died in 1998.

Q. Who is the richest actor in the Christmas Vacation movie?

A. Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Q. What famous actor is Frank Shirley's brother in real life?

A. Brian Doyle-Murray plays Frank Shirley, is Bill Murray's brother.

Q. What is the name of Frank Shirley's wife?

A. Helen Shirley.

Q. What is the name of the lingerie salesman?

A. Mary played by Nicolette Scorsese

Q. Who played Clark Griswold in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?

A. Chevy Chase

Q. Who played Ellen Griswold in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?

A. Beverly D'Angelo

Q. Who played Cousin Eddie in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?

A. Randy Quaid

Q. Who played Audrey Griswold in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?

A. Juliette Lewis

Q. Who played Rusty Griswold in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?

A. Johnny Galecki

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Clark's dad?

A. John Randolph

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Clark's mom?

A. Diane Ladd

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Ellen's dad?

A. E. G. Marshall

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Ellen's mom?

A. Doris Roberts

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Cousin Catherine?

A. Miriam Flynn

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Rocky?

A. Cody Burger

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Ruby Sue?

A. Ellen Hamilton Latzen

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Uncle Lewis?

A. William Hickey

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Aunt Bethany?

A. Mae Questel

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Bill the co-worker?

A. Sam McMurray

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Todd the neighbor?

A. Nicholas Guest

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Margo the neighbor?

A. Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Frank Shirley, Clark's boss?

A. Brian Doyle-Murray

Q. What is the name of the actor that played Helen Shirley?

A. Natalia Nogulich

Q. What is the name of the actor that played the young Clark Griswold?

A. Devin Bailey

Q. What actor played Frank Shirley?

A. Brian Doyle-Murray from the original National Lampoon's show and was in the orignal vacation manager as the campground director.

Q. How old was Johnny Galecki when Christmas Vacation was filmed?

A. Thirteen.

Cars & Vehicles

Q. What kind of RV does Cousin Eddie drive?

A. 1972 Ford Condor II

Q. What is on the grill of Cousin Eddie's RV?

A. A wreath

Q. What kind of car do the Griswolds drive in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?

A. Ford Taurus station wagon

Q. The pickup truck harassing the Griswold is from what other movie?

A. Kurt Russell's work truck in the movie Overboard (1987).

Q. What make of pick up truck is harassing the Griswolds?

A. Dodge

Q. What does the front bumper sticker say on the truck harassing the Griswolds?

A. Dog on Duty

Q. What is the license plate number of the truck harassing the Griswolds?

A. 597-8D4A

Q. What is the Griswold's license plate number?

A. T3H-762

Q. What state is the license plate from on Cousin Eddie's RV?

A. Kansas


National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Blu-Ray



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