Converting MP3 to Constant Bit Rate

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Light-O-Rama's Sequence Editor requires the audio files to have a constant bit rate (CBR). This means the audio file needs to be a .wav file (always CBR), or an MP3 saved with constant bit rate.

Even though this is documented by Light-O-Rama, people don't realize this until they see their Light-O-Rama sequence out of sync with the music. They will go in and fix it and then it will go out of sync again. A very frustrating experience for anyone who has gone through this.

Luckily, the fix is very easy, just convert the MP3 to CBR.

1. Download & install Audacity.

2. Launch Audacity

3. Open the MP3 file

4. Select "Export" from menu-bar, click on the "Options" button, make sure "Constant" is selected and click on "Okay".

4. Install LAME (only has to be done once)

Audacity will pull this from

5. Select "Export" from menu-bar, click on the "Options" button, make sure "Constant" is selected and click on "Okay".Bit Rate