
Research Collaborators

    Prof. Joseph Baker, The College of New Jersey

    Prof. Cindy Browder, Prof. Constantin Ciocanel, and the Multifunctional Materials Lab at Northern Arizona University

    Prof. Frank Vázquez, St. John's University 

    Prof. Michael Callahan, Boise State University

    Dr. Jennifer Hanley, Dr. Will Grundy, and the NAU/Lowell Astrophysical Materials Lab

Northern Arizona University

    Northern Arizona University 

    NAU Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

    NAU High Performance Computing

A Dying Resource for all aspects of Computational Chemistry

    Computational Chemistry wiki






    WHAM from the Grossfield lab at the University of Rochester




    Perl and a short introduction

Other links about Gerrick

    NAU faculty webpage in Chemistry

    Google scholar


