yy. A.V. Young, T.D. Robinson, J. Krissansen-Totton, E.W. Schwieterman, G. Arney, G.E. Lindberg, C. Thomas, Modern Earth-like Chemical Disequilibrium Biosignatures Are Challenging To Constrain Through Spectroscopic Retrievals, Submitted.
yy. G. E. Lindberg, Can you prove that? In-person assessment of thermodynamics problem solving, Submitted.
34. S.M. Raposa, S.P. Tan, W.M. Grundy, J.K. Steckloff, J.Hanley, S.C. Tegler, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger, G.E. Lindberg, N2-CO Binary Phase Diagram and a Method for Deriving Compositions Using Raman Spectroscopy, Accepted for publication in the Planetary Science Journal.
33. S.M. Raposa,* A.E. Engle,* S.P. Tan, W.M. Grundy, J.Hanley, G.E. Lindberg, O. Umurhan, J.K. Steckloff, C.L. Thieberger, Outbursts Upon Cooling of Low-Temperature Binary Mixtures: Experiments and Their Planetary Implications, 129, 10, e2024JE008457 (2024), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. *These authors contributed equally. Link and arXiv.
32. A.E. Engle, J. Hanley, S.P. Tan, W.M. Grundy, S.C. Telger, G.E. Lindberg, J.K. Steckloff, S.M. Raposa, C.L. Thieberger, Ice Formation, Exsolution, and Multiphase Equilibria in the Methane-Ethane-Nitrogen System at Titan Surface Conditions, The Planetary Science Journal, 5, 224 (2024). Link.
31. B.P. Blakley, W,M. Grundy, J.K. Steckloff, S.P. Tan, J. Hanley, A.E. Engle, S.C. Tegler, G.E. Lindberg, S.M. Raposa, K.J. Koga, C.L. Thieberger, Equilibrium Vapor Pressures of Ammonia and Oxygen Ices at Outer Solar System Temperatures, Planetary and Space Science, 244, 105863 (2024). Link and arxiv.
30. S.C. Tegler, W.M. Grundy, M.J. Loeffler, J. Hanley, A.V. Jasko, H. Dawson, A.N. Morgan, K.J. Koga, A.O. Madden-Watson, M.D. Gomez, J.K. Steckloff, G.E. Lindberg, S.P. Tan, S.M. Raposa, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger, and D.E. Trilling, Optical Constants of Ices Important to Planetary Science From Laboratory Reflectance Spectroscopy, Planetary Science Journal, 5, 31 (2024). Link.
29. S.S. Cupp, A. E. Engle, A.W. Hardin, G. E. Lindberg, Identifying Local Interfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2024, 128, 6, 1527–1534. Link. Selected for the issue cover.
28. W.M. Grundy, S.C. Tegler, J.K. Steckloff, S.P. Tan, M.J. Loeffler, A.V. Jasko, K.J. Koga, B.P. Blakley, S.M. Raposa, A.E. Engle, C.L. Thieberger, J. Hanley, G.E. Lindberg, M.D. Gomez, and A.O. Madden-Watson, Laboratory Measurement of Volatile Ice Vapor Pressures with a Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Icarus 410, 115767 (2024). Link or arxiv.
27. S. Manukian, G. E. Lindberg, S. P. Dassanayake Mudiyanselage, E. Punch, M. J. Gage, pH-dependent Compaction of Intrinsically Disordered Poly-E Motif in Titin, Biology 11(9), 1302 (2022). Link.
26. S. M. Raposa, S. P. Tan, W. M. Grundy, G. E. Lindberg, J. Hanley, J. K. Steckloff, S. C. Tegler, A. E. Engle, C. L. Thieberger, Non-isoplethic measurement on the solid-liquid-vapor equilibrium of binary mixtures at cryogenic temperatures, Journal of Chemical Physics 157, 064201 (2022). Link.
25. A. Felipe, C. Lovenduski, J. L. Baker, G. E. Lindberg, Long-ranged heterogeneous structure in aqueous solutions of the deep eutectic solvent choline and geranate at the liquid-vapor interface, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24, 13720-13729 (2022). Link.
24. G. E. Lindberg, J. L. Baker, J. Hanley, W. M. Grundy, and C. King, Density, enthalpy of vaporization, and local structure of neat n-alkane liquids, Liquids, 1(1), 47-59 (2021). Link.
23. A. E. Engle, J. Hanley, S. Dustrud, G. Thompson, G. E. Lindberg, W. M. Grundy, S. C. Tegler, Phase Diagram for the Methane-Ethane System and its Implications for Titan’s Lakes, Planetary Science Journal, 2 (3), 118 (2021). arXiv link and journal link.
22. G. E. Lindberg, Structure and diffusion of molten alkali carbonate salts at the liquid-vacuum interface, PeerJ Physical Chemistry, 1:e3 (2019). Link.
21. J. R. Greene, K. L. Merrett, A. J. Heyert, L. F. Simmons, C. M. Migliori, K. C. Vogt, R. S. Castro, P. Phillips, J. L. Baker, G. E. Lindberg, D. T. Fox, R. E. Del Sesto, and A. T. Koppisch, Investigations into the Scope, Efficacy and Antimicrobial Mechanism of the Broad-Spectrum Antiseptic Choline Geranate, PLOS One, 14(9): e0222211 (2019). Link.
20. L. Zhuang, R. Wang, G. E. Lindberg, H. Hu, X.-Z. Li, and F. Wang, From a Liquid to a Crystal without Going through a First Order Phase Transition: Determining the Free Energy of Melting with Glassy Intermediates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 7740 (2019). Link.
19. E. E. Carter, A. J. Heyert, M. De Souza, J. L. Baker, and G. E. Lindberg, The Ionic Liquid [C4mpy][Tf2N] Induces Bound-like Structure in the Intrinsically Disordered Protein FlgM, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 17950 (2019). Link.
18. S. C. Tegler, T. D. Stufflebeam, W. M. Grundy, J. Hanley, S. Dustrud, G. E. Lindberg, A. Engle, T. R. Dillingham, D. Matthew, D. Trilling, H. Roe, J. Llama, and E. Quirico, A New Two-Molecule Combination Band as Diagnostic of Carbon Monoxide Diluted in Nitrogen Ice On Triton, Astronomical Journal, 158, 17 (2019). Link and Link. Featured on and
17. J. C. Cook, C. M. Dalle Ore, S. Protopapa, R. P. Binzel, D. P. Cruikshank, A. Earle, W. M. Grundy, K. Ennico, C. Howett, D. Jennings, A. W. Lunsford, C. B. Olkin, A. H. Parker, S. Philippe, D. Reuter, B. Schmitt, K. Singer, J. A. Stansberry, S. A. Stern, A. Verbiscer, H. A. Weaver, L. A. Young, J. Hanley, F. Alketbi, G. L. Thompson, L. A. Pearce, G. E. Lindberg, and S. C. Tegler, The Distribution of H2O, CH3OH, and Hydrocarbon-ices on Pluto: Analysis of New Horizons Spectral Images, Icarus, 331, 148 (2019). Link
16. W. T. Andrews, A. Liebig, J. Cook, P. Marsh, C. Ciocanel, G. E. Lindberg, and C. Browder, Development of a PEO-based lithium ion conductive epoxy resin polymer electrolyte, Solid State Ionics, 326, 150 (2018). Link
15. K. Gochenour, A. J. Heyert and G. E. Lindberg, Molecular Simulations of Volatile Organic Interfaces, In Developments in Physical & Theoretical Chemistry, edited by Jennifer A. Faust and James E. House, Elsevier, 2018, Pages 41-58, Physical Chemistry of Gas-Liquid Interfaces. Link
14. A. J. Heyert, S. Knox, G. E. Lindberg, and J. L. Baker, Influence of an Ionic Liquid on the Conformational Sampling of Xaa-Pro Dipeptides, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 227, 66 (2017). Link
13. C. Chen, Y.-L. S. Tse, G. E. Lindberg, C. Knight and G. A. Voth, Hydroxide Solvation and Transport in Anion Exchange Membranes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 991 (2016). Link Featured in JACS Spotlights.
12. J. L. Baker,* J. Furbish and G. E. Lindberg,* Influence of the ionic liquid [C4mpy][Tf2N] on the structure of the miniprotein Trp-cage, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 62, 202 (2015). *These authors contributed equally. Link
11. Y.-L. S. Tse, C. Chen, G. E. Lindberg, R. Kumar and G. A. Voth, Propensity of Hydrated Excess Protons and Hydroxide Anions for the Air-Water Interface, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 12610 (2015). Link
10. Y.-L. S. Tse, H. Sarode, G. E. Lindberg, T. A. Witten, A. M. Herring and G. A. Voth, Chloride Enhances Fluoride Mobility in Anion Exchange Membranes/Polycationic Systems, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 845 (2014). Link
9. H. Sarode,* G. E. Lindberg,* Y. Yang, L. E. Felberg, G. A. Voth and A. M. Herring, Insights into the transport of aqueous quaternary ammonium cations: A combined experimental and computational study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 1363 (2014). *These authors contributed equally. Link
8. G. E. Lindberg, C. Knight, L. E. Felberg and G. A. Voth, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Hydroxide Solvation and Transport in Anion Exchange Membranes (conference proceeding), ECS Transactions, 50, 2053 (2013). Link
7. H. Sarode, M. A. Vandiver, A. M. Maes, B. Caire, J. L. Horan, Y. Yan, Y. Li, G. E. Lindberg, J. F. Dama, C. Knight, R. Jorn, M. E. Lenz, R. Kasper, S. Gu, B. Zhang, S. Seifert, T. Tsai, W. X. Zhang, E. B. Coughlin, D. M. Knauss, Y. Yan, G. A. Voth, T. A. Witten, M. W. Liberatore and A. M. Herring, Fundamental Studies of Alkaline Exchange Membranes Towards Optimization in a Fuel Cell Environment (conference proceeding), ECS Transactions, 50, 2059 (2013). Link
6. C. Knight, G. E. Lindberg and G. A. Voth, Multiscale Reactive Molecular Dynamics, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 137 22A525 (2012). Link
5. G. E. Lindberg, C. Knight, R. Jorn, J. F. Dama and G. A. Voth, Multiscale Simulation of Hydroxide Solvation and Transport in Anion Exchange Membranes (conference proceeding), ECS Transactions, 41, 1785 (2011). Link
4. H. Sarode, M. A. Vandiver, A. M. Maes, B. Caire, J. L. Horan, Y. Yan, Y. Li, G. E. Lindberg, J. F. Dama, C. Knight, R. Jorn, M. E. Lenz, R. Kasper, S. Gu, B. Zhang, S. Seifert, T. Tsai, W. X. Zhang, E. B. Coughlin, D. M. Knauss, Y. Yan, G. A. Voth, T. A. Witten, M. W. Liberatore and A. M. Herring, Designing Alkaline Exchange Membranes from Scratch (conference proceeding), ECS Transactions, 41, 1761 (2011). Link
3. G. E. Lindberg, T. C. Berkelbach, and F. Wang, Optimizing the pulling function for non-equilibrium free-energy calculations: An on-the-fly approach, The Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 174705 (2009). Link
2. G. E. Lindberg and F. Wang, Efficient Sampling of Ice Structures by Electrostatic Switching, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 6436 (2008). Link
1. P. D. Hoffman, J. M. Leonard, G. E. Lindberg, S. R. Bollmann, and J. B. Hays, Rapid accumulation of mutations during seed-to-seed propagation of mismatch-repair-defective Arabidopsis, Genes and Development 18, 2676 (2004). Link
If you're interested in any of these publications, please email me for a copy.