
“The Source you will be drawing from is the energy from the Star - Pleiadian Galaxy. The energy from this galaxy is very powerful and wise…

                                            Star Healing was set into motion long, long ago, but like a whisper  it wasn't always heard.

Now the time is right for all to hear…”

What is Star Healing ? 

(kindly shared by Kelly Hampton, founder)

        “I have declared this Star Healing Intergalactic Energy because the source you will be drawing from is the energy from the Star/Pleiadian Galaxy. It makes no difference if you are familiar with this galaxy or not. My love goes to all. The energy from this galaxy is very powerful and wise. This form of healing will be valuable to those aged 5 to 80 and especially beneficial for those under the age of 30, as these souls have entered your world with new DNA strands."  ....  Archangel Michael, channeled by Kelly Hampton, 2010


This is a magnified Ascension healing system that many are saying (and witnessing) as producing miracles. Drawing on frequencies from the Pleiadian Galaxy, this ground-breaking 5thD (and higher) energy healing which uses sound, crystals, gems, and 20-30 energetic healing techniques, shared by Archangel Michael,  will:

*    remove energetic fears

*    heal both the energetic and physical bodies at a molecular level

*    use sacred geometry to elevate your lightbodies

*    release past lives that fall outside of pure love 5thD

*    restore your 3-4th DNA to its magnificent 5th D

*    allow you to access more peace and calm than   perhaps you have ever thought possible 

The healing benefits will extend into the decades, working over time ‘like the sifting of flour’!  Everyone will receive 3 sacred symbols to ease anxiety, for protection, infinite abundance, and be guided through love and kindness healing. Everyone will be supported with a follow up process

Benefits come to everyone differently.” 

“…The Crystalline, Atlantean, Rainbow, Indigo and Diamond souls who have arrived and who will continue to arrive know this healing system and will come to appreciate it as they know their names. This shift will take humankind closer to the 5th dimension globally, an angelic realm. ... This will help you feel more peaceful and healthy. Where there is peace and calm in the body there can be no illness….” 

                                                (Archangel Michael)





Here is a PARTIAL list of some of the health 

conditions clients have reported relief with or elimination 

from after receiving this amazing work:

Reduction or elimination of cancers, tumors, bone spurs

Circulatory disorders

Immune system dysfunction

Asthma and other respiratory conditions

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Ringing in the ears


Soul traumas from abuse and other emotional damage

Addictions (smoking, alcohol, drug, dietary)

Compulsions, fears, phobias

Attention deficit disorder (ADD)

Body aches and pains including arthritis and slipped discs

Autism (Asperger's and other high spectrum conditions)

 Sleep disturbances

Depression, memory loss

Migraines, gallstones and kidney stones

Hearing loss, infections, nerve damage

Cataracts and glaucoma

Nerve damage

Infections, viruses

Hearing Loss

 Greater knowing increases  Some report clairvoyance enhancement after their session.  Others travel to their original 5th dimensional 

homes, experiencing bliss, peace and calm, going through star gates, receiving key code activations.

*  *  *



Other Services 

* Ascended Spaces *

 STAR HEALING  works best when combined with ASCENDED SPACESTM, a divinely guided system which uses sound, harmonics, semi-precious gems, oils, imagery,  commands and body techniques to raise the wellbeing of a home and, when necessary, to clear residual emotional energy  or the energy of entities inhabiting the space.   This new system was channeled to Kelly Hampton in 2011 from Archangel Michael as an extension to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy.  Though these two systems can be thought of as companion energy systems, they may also be learned and experienced separately.   

To purchase a booklet, contact Kelly@kelly-hampton.com

As an alternative to implementing the system yourself, Catherine is offering this service.  In this way you would not need to purchase all the tools.  Please contact her, if interested.


*  Biomat-Reiki  *

I also offer BIOMAT with REIKI. Session lasts 75 min.   Partial fee is donated to the children in Peru.

 Please email or call to schedule an appointment.  

Thank you. 


*  Crop Circle book!  *

If you are interested in crop circles, 

please visit the link below. I published an artistic workbook for children to learn and explore the beautiful and mysterious formations.  It contains 50 original photos from 10 countries, a map of worldwide locations, and more.


