Lisa Laun

I am an Associate Professor (Docent) in Economics at the Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU) and the Deputy Chair of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council. My research interests include Labor Economics, Public Economics, Applied Econometrics and Social Insurance. I am affiliated with the Uppsala Center for Labor Studies (UCLS).

Lisa Laun, IFAU, Box 513, 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden

Tel. +46 18 471 6056


Websites: Lisa Laun, IFAU.

For recent work, please see below.

For a complete overview of my work, please see:


Policy Work

Seminars, Conferences and Committees

Curriculum Vitae

For a detailed description of my work in different research areas, please see:

Field Studies in Labor Market Policy

Retirement and Pensions

The Welfare System and the Labor Market

Recent Work

Work in Progress

"Labor Market Returns to Private Rehabilitation" (with Peter Skogman Thoursie)

"Does Money Matter? Impact of a Redistributive School Funding Formula on School Spending and Student Outcomes" (with Mattias Folkestad and Lena Hensvik)

"The Income Gradient in Mortality in Sweden 1960-2020" (with Johannes Hagen, Charlotte Lucke and Mårten Palme)

Working Papers

Åslund, O., F. Larsson and L. Laun (2023) "Joining Late, Leaving Early? Immigrant-Native Disparities in Labor Market Exit", IFAU Working Paper 2023:15.

Revise and Resubmit, Labour Economics.

Friedrich, B., L. Laun, C. Meghir and L. Pistaferri (2019), "Earnings Dynamics and Firm Level Shocks", NBER Working Paper No. 25786, Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2175 and IFAU Working Paper 2019:9.
Reject and Resubmit, American Economic Review.
Media coverage: VoxEU.

Recent Academic Publications

Please see my full publication list under Research

Cheung, M., J. Egebark, A. Forslund, L. Laun, M. Rödin and J. Vikström (2023), "Does Job Search Assistance Reduce Unemployment? Experimental Evidence on Displacement Effects and Mechanisms", forthcoming: Journal of Labor Economics,

Adermon, A., L. Laun, P. Lind, J. Sauermann, A. Sjögren and M. Olsson (2024), "Earnings Losses and the Role of the Welfare State during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Sweden", Review of Income and Wealth,

Laun, L. and M. Palme (2023), "Pension Reform, Incentives to Retire and Retirement Behavior: Empirical Evidence from Swedish Micro-Data", forthcoming: in Börsch-Supan and Coile (eds.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: The Effects of Reforms on Retirement Behavior, Chicago: University of Chicago Press and NBER Working Paper 31800.

Friedrich, B., L. Laun and C. Meghir (2022), "Earnings Dynamics of Immigrants and Natives in Sweden 1985-2016", Quantitative Economics, vol. 13(4), pages 1803-1847.

Laun, L. and M. Palme (2021), "Social Security Reforms and the Changing Retirement Behavior in Sweden", in Axel Börsch-Supan and Courtney Coile (eds.), Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Reforms and Retirement Incentives, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Recent Popular Writing

Please see my full publication list under Policy Work

Cheung, M., J. Egebark, A. Forslund, L. Laun, M. Rödin and J. Vikström (2024), "Effekter av förstärkta förmedlingsinsatser: Lärdomar från en försöksverksamhet", Ekonomisk Debatt, vol. 52(2).

Friedrich, B., L. Laun and C. Meghir (2023), "Arbetsinkomstutvecklingen för utrikes och inrikes födda i Sverige 1985–2016", IFAU-rapport 2023:17.

Laun (2023), "Elstöden blev för stora", Ledare, Ekonomisk Debatt, vol. 51(5), pp. 3-4.

Åslund, O., F. Larsson and L. Laun (2023), "Kommer sent, lämnar tidigt? Invandrades utträde från arbetsmarknaden", IFAU-rapport 2023:11.

Hagen, J., L. Laun and M. Palme (2022), "Pensionärernas inkomster i Sverige 1991-2019", Studier i finanspolitik 2022/1, Underlagsrapport till Finanspolitiska rådet.

Media coverage: See Policy Work.

Adermon, A., L. Laun, P. Lind, J. Sauermann, A. Sjögren and M. Olsson (2022), Coronapandemin, arbetsinkomsterna och välfärdssystemets skyddsgrad - Befolkningens inkomstutveckling under 2020 (Report to the Swedish Corona Commission), Underlagsrapport till SOU 2022:10 Sverige under pandemin, Stockholm: Coronakommissionen.

Media coverage: Sveriges Radio P4 Uppland, Publikt, Tidningen Syre.

Laun (2021), "Förlängt arbetsliv en förutsättning för hållbara pensioner", Ledare, Ekonomisk Debatt, vol. 51(5), pages 3-5.