Date and place of birth 18 July, 1941: Peterborough, England

Nationality British

Higher education

1963 BA degree in Animal Physiology, Oxford

1965-1968 Clinical studies, St. Thomas' Hospital, London

1966 DPhil degree, Oxford

1966 MA degree, Oxford

1968 BM, BCh degree, Oxford


1959-1963 Reserve Officer (Pilot), Nottingham and Oxford University Air Squadrons, Royal Air Force

1968 House Officer in General Medicine, Watford Memorial Hospital

1968-1971 Demonstrator, Department of Human Anatomy, Oxford

1970-1972 Schorstein Research Fellow in Medical Science, Oxford

1972-1973 Wellcome Travelling Fellow and Visiting Professor, Department of Physiology, University of California, Berkeley

1973-1987 Professeur Assistant and Associé, Institute of Anatomy, University of Lausanne

1977-2007 Editorial Board, Experimental Brain Research

1987-1990 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, National University of Singapore

1990-2000 Professor of Anatomy, Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School and Division of Neuroscience, Imperial College School of Medicine, University of London

1990-2000 London Committee of Licensed Teachers of Anatomy (chairman, 1993-2000)

1992-1999 Court of Examiners, Royal College of Surgeons of England

1993-1996 Deputy Convenor, Subject Panel in Human Anatomy and Morphology, University of London

1993-1998 Panel of Examiners, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow

1998-2000 Assessor, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

2000-2004 Professor of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain

Main professional associations

Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Vice-president 1994-1996; Council 1998-2007; Programmes Committee 2006-2010)

International Brain Research Organization (Treasurer 1983-1985; History of Neuroscience Committee 2003; Chair, Neuroscience Programmes Network, 2006- 2009; Africa Regional Committee 2006-2009)

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