Fall 2011

Fall 2011 Plan (January 2011)

In Fall 2011 we will asses MAT 176: Calculus II and MAT 156: Calculus II Laboratory. Calculus II will be assessed directly using a uniform final exam to be designed by the Dr. Schneiderman and the Educational Policy Committee in Fall 2011. Calculus II Laboratory will be assessed using the uniform projects for the course designed by Dr. Petridis and the Calculus Committee some years ago. It is a corequisite for the Calculus II course. We also hope to assess one advanced mathematics course, MAT313 Linear Algebra.

Update and Report:

Due to faculty illness and injury these plans have been postponed to Spring 2012.

Instead we have assessed the previous course MAT 175: Calculus I (originally scheduled for Spring 2011) in Fall 2011. This assessment is complete and reported under those courses.