The Elephant Man Cast List

Please know we really worked hard to make this whole piece work and you will all be onstage the whole time, creating the piece as an ensemble. Please love and support each other, even if you didn't get the role you wanted. Look at the experience as a whole, and your opportunity to tell a thoughtful and important story, together as a group of artists.

The Elephant Man Cast List

Introduction Grace Lundwall, Morgan Gray, Ally Petersen

Sir Frederick Treves Nephi Jacob

John (Joseph) Merrick: AJ Black

Mrs. Marge Kendal: Bailee Miner

Carr Gomm Corinne Bahr

Ross Ben Quiroz

First Pinhead Sadie Veach

Second Pinhead Brenna Frampton

Third Pinhead Ally Petersen

Manager of the Pins/MAN Troy Smith

Belgian Police Officer Michael Worsely

London Police Officer Ryan Nelson

Boat Conductor Troy Smith

Nurse, Miss Sandwhich Morgan Gray

Mother-Superior W. How Grace Lundwall

Will (Porter) Michael Worsley

Snork (Porter) Brenna Frampton

Lord John Ryan Nelson

The Duchess Maggie Sheen

The Countess Sadie Veach

Princess Alexandria Adrielle Viera

Voice Maggie Sheen

Hawker Ben Quiroz

Musical Instruments Adrielle Viera, Corinne Bahr, Ben Quiroz

Foley Artists Maggie Sheen, Sadie Veach, Ryan Nelson, Brenna Frampton, Michael Worsley, Grace Lundwall, Morgan Gray,

Troy Smith, Ally Petersen

Introduction is attached. Please open the file. And know that it is subject to change. We will be creating the set as the introduction is happening; opening the door for the poetry of the piece and an understanding of the whole story.