2024-2025 Welcome!

Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of Lehi Drama! Each year we have a theme that matches each show we perform. This year, the focus is kindness. Everyday we have the opportunity to choose kindness. Through the art of performing we share with the audience, not only a story but a message.  We show the audience that they have the chance out of all of their actions, to show kindness.

This site will be used to post all class notices, cast and audition class lists, as well as some performance and audition material.

Attached you will find copies of my disclosure documents, copies of the play report and performance observation forms, as well as a few other items that may be of interest to you.  You are welcome to download and print them off yourself, or pick up copies in the classroom. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at: mnelsen@alpinedistrict.org

Shows for 2023-2024 School year