Puffs Cast List

Sorry for the delay. I was waiting on some videos to come through and then got really busy this weekend. But I think we have a great cast and will have a ton of fun on this show. I hope you are ready and excited! I think this show will bring all of us together. And I really hope you have taken some time to watch the Harry Potter cannon of films this break so you have a better understanding!

Without further ado...

Puffs Cast List

Talin Bell Wayne Hopkins

Tyler Garcia Oliver Rivers

Bella Pizzutto Megan Jones

Haley Duckwitz Narrator/Wayna Rivers-Jones

Brandon Saavedra Ernie Mac/2nd Headmaster

Katie Galvan Hannah/Xavia

Stockton Yates J. Finch/Zack Smith

Karlee Smith Leanne/Helga

Kaylen Shepherd Sally/Bippy

Maddie Ehat Susie/Frenchy/Ginny

Aden Pernia Cedric/Mr. Voldy

Jaden Williams Semus/Professor Turban/Ghost History Teach/Professor Locky/Mr.

Nick/Sal/Real Mr. Moody

Janeclaire Waite 1st Headmaster/Professor McG/Professor Sproutty/Professor Lanny/Runes

Teach/Ms. Babble

Porter Scoresby Uncle Dave/Goyle/A Fat Friar/Hermeoone #3/Viktor/Mr. Bagman

Alyssa Buck Hermeoone #1/Blondo Malfoy/Rowena/Rita Scooter/Featured Death Eater

Rebecca Mowrey Harry/Colin/Hermeoone #2/Ric Gryff/Myrtle

Corbin Cowan A Very Tall Man/Certain Potions Teacher/Clumbsy Longbottom/Scorpy