George and the Dragon

George and the Dragon

Far, far away in the high, high mountains in a deep, deep valley in a dark, dark cave lived a mighty dragon. He was an awesome and frightening creature who terrorized whole armies, destroyed castles, demolished forests, and kidnapped princesses. But this mighty dragon had a deep, dark secret. . .

This book presents readers with a nice twist to the traditional tale of the gallant knight that kills the dragon. Instead it is a mouse who rescues the princess.

This book not only is an amusing twist from its original tale but has some great pictures further adding to its amusing style.

    • Paperback: 32 pages

    • Publisher: Random House Childs Paperbacks (June 24, 2006)

    • Language: English

    • ISBN-10: 1862302138

    • ISBN-13: 978-1862302136

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