About Me

Name: Paul Tonkyn

Birthday: 27th June

Favourite colour: Turquiose

Favourite books: Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, Oliver Twist and The Time Machine

Favourite writers: Rudyard Kipling, Charles Dickens and Roald Dahl

Favourite foods: Steak and kidney pie (actually most pies), fish and chips, chocolate cake, pizza, humus, olives (both green & black),  cheese burgers.

Favourite time in history: Victorian

Favourite sports: Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing

Which countries have you been to: Spain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Wales, Germany, Holland, Luxemburg, UAE and Oman

Which countries would you like to visit: Turkey and USA

What are your hobbies: Painting, reading and writing

Favourite pets: cats, terrapins and I really like plants

Favourite toys: Lego and computer games

I grew up in the small town of King’s Lynn on the coast, close to Cambridge. My mum is German so I was brought up speaking both English and German. I have one sister and I used to play a lot with her.

At school I was best at the creative subjects like art, English and I even got the chance to do photography at one of my schools which was great fun. I wasn’t so good at science but I did OK for my tests. I liked writing funny stories and poems most of all.

We used to travel around Europe a lot when I was visiting my family in Germany. I loved going to the different places. The food in France was so nice and swimming in the lakes in Germany was great fun.

I went to University in Aberystwyth, which is in Wales. I had a great time there as I lived next to the sea and went swimming a lot.

I spent a few years teaching in Germany, some time teaching in Switzerland, the UK, Oman, Finland and Ethiopia. I like learning about different cultures and new languages.