
Learn Assyrian

This website is no longer updated.

Please visit my new website for new books and publications: https://learnassyrian.wixsite.com/my-site

Welcome to my website for teaching the Assyrian Language using my books and videos,

and learn this ancient language in a simple and straight forward way.

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students,

This site presents books and videos to teach the Assyrian language, one of the most ancient languages in the world.

I have published several books that can be purchased from www.lulu.com. The books in Assyrian are primarily for children, while the Reading and Speech Lessons are targeted for adults.

In this Website you may follow my story books as I read them to children, or attend my classes by watching the videos while I teach my books to children and adults.

Please click on the buttons above to choose the book or the course you would like to follow.