Welcome. This is my personal homepage.


Hello. And welcome. My name is Luigi and this is my personal page.

Yes, there is a tortoise welcoming you. Why?

When I was a child, I was obsessed by the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare. "Why was the Hare always falling asleep during the race?" - I kept asking everyone. Why was the Hare so inconstant?

And yet, the Hare was so talented, so swift. She would have easily won the race! But that was never the case. No matter how many times I was told the story, the Hare never won. The excellent Hare was always behind the stubborn slow-moving Tortoise.

I was terrified by the fable. It sounded like a curse to me, because I thought I was myself the Hare. Wasn't I taught to be the best at school? Wasn't I told to be excellent.

Until one day, I pledged: "I will never never never stop! I will run, dritto! And I will never take a break! And I will never pause, and always...". So, a tortoise.

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9 January 2021

Some sketches I did on my tablet in 2020, here.

4 July 2020

Aprile '20 is a poem I wrote about my life and feelings during the Covid-19 outbreak and the lockdown. It's made of notes I wrote in March and April 2020. Poem is in Italian only.

26 March 2020

Some of my sketches I have done during a trip to Argentina.

17 July 2019

Here is a link for a YouTube playlist I have created for educational art videos from the main museums and galleries. Enjoy!

30 October 2018

I started in June. Then I stopped because, come on, it is summertime! Now, Autumn's chilly weather made an afternoon in front of my iMac something more appealing... Long time since the last update! I have (finally!) changed the layout of this website. And I have also tidied up the pages. Enjoy!

1 April 2017

Musica. A beneficio del ragù: le canzoni di Napoli (moderna) in una playlist da ascoltare in cucina (via Medium, also on Spotify).



I did some sketches on my tablet in 2020

A poem I wrote during lockdown in 2020