About me (etc)

Ciao. Hello.

Luigi here. Thanks for passing by.

"Luigi?". You might be thinking about pizza. Or about (a brother of) a famous plumber. Well, you would be right: I am Italian. And pizza has a special place in my life as I come from Naples.

Other than that? I am a lawyer specialised in Competition Law and European Union Law, which might not sound very interesting, but I really like those things. What else? I love writing, painting, running, and being a curious person, really.

These pages mainly talk about the non-professional side of my life. And, obviously, everything published here is written in my personal capacity, usual disclaimers (etc).

Enough said, please have a look around.

You can follow me on Twitter or on LinkedIn. If you would like to be in touch, please drop me a direct message there.

Take good care,
